Jan 1, 1350
The Renaissance was Born
After the Black Death left Italy, the Italian Renaissance began. Renaissance means, "New Birth". -
Jan 1, 1350
The Black Death ended
The Black Death had been literally plaguing everyone for years, and it finally ended, mostly. Bits of it are still around. -
Jan 1, 1454
Johann Gutenberg creates the Gutenberg Press
The Gutenberg Press was an invention that used movable type. The letters could be moved around, multiple times, so that printing was a much easier and faster process. Many more people were able to read literature, creating a new age of knowledge. -
Aug 15, 1483
The Sistine Chapel Cieling was finished
The Sistine Chapel was commisioned by Pope Sixtus IV. But Michelangelo only did the cieling, redoing what was once just gold stars on a blue background. Pope Julius II gave him free rein, and he re-did the entire cieling, making it the masterpiece it is today. -
Jan 1, 1498
Leonardo Davinci finished The Last Supper
The Last Supper depicted Jesus eating with his disciples before he was crucified. It was one of many paintings he created. -
Jan 1, 1550
The Renaissance ends
The Renaissance, sadly, has come to an end. Yet most of the contributions made by the residents will stay.