Muhammad Is Born
Muhammad was born in Arabian city in Mecca. He was a son of a merchant. He would later change the relgion for the middle east for better. Muhammad grew up a orphan at the age of six years old. He was an caravan manager and he married a rich window, Khadija. -
Period: 570 to Jan 1, 632
Jan 1, 622
The Hegira
In 622, Muhammad had 30 followers and was discouraged and had been called a madman. Muhammad and his closest supporters left the city, because they had started to persecuting his followers. They left the city and started retreadted north to a rival city of Yathrib(Medina) "the city of the Prophet". That fight known as the hegira, marks the first date of the islamic calendar. -
Jan 1, 630
In 630, Muhammad made a visit to the Ka'aba and declared it the sacred shrine of islam. -
Jan 1, 632
Muhammad dies
Muhammad dies in 632 , when islam is starting to spread throughout the peninsula A number of his first followers selected Abu Baker, a wealhty merchant from medina, who was muhammad father in law. he was also one of the first supporters as a caliph -
Jan 1, 636
Empire is created
In 636, the muslims defeated the Byzantine empire at the Yamurk River, north of the dead sea. Four years later they took possesion of the byzantine province of syria. -
Jan 1, 656
Struggle of powers
The Mian challenge for the growing empire came from within, some of muhammad followers had not agreed with selection of Abu Bakar as the first caliph. They appointed Ali, Muhammad's cousin and sonin law as an alternative. In 656, Umar sucessor Uthman was assassinated and Ali was selected for the position. -
Period: Jan 1, 656 to Jan 1, 750
The rise of the Umayyads
Jan 1, 661
In 661, Ali was was assassinated and Mu'awiya, the governor of syria and one of ali's cheif rivals replaced him in office -
Jan 1, 717
Byzantine empire falls
In 717, another muslim force launched an attack on Constantinople with the hope of destroying the Byzantine empire. -
Jan 1, 750
Fall of the Umayyads
In 750, a revolt led by Abu al-Abbas, a descendant of muhammads uncle,led to the overthrow of the umayyads and teh establishment of the Abbasid dyansty -
Period: Jan 1, 750 to Jan 1, 1071
The Abbasids
Jan 1, 762
Capital Change
In 762, the Abbasids built a new capital city at Baghdad, on the tigris River far east of the Umayyad capital at Demascus. The new capital was strategically positioned to take advantage of river traffic to the Persian Gulf and also lay astride the caravan route from the Mediterranean to central asia -
Apr 3, 1055
Capital in trouble
In 1055, a turkish leader captured Baghdad and assumed command of the empire with thw title of sultan -
Jan 1, 1071
The turks take over
In 1071, when the byzantines foolishly challenged the turks, their army was routed at Manikert, near lake van in eastern turkey -
uiker, William J., and Jackson J. Spielvogel. The Essential World History. 6th ed. Vol. 1. Belmont, CA: Thomson/Wadsworth, 2005. Print. -
The revealations
Muhammud lived in mecca for serveral years as a merchant. He was troubled by the gap between the bedouin values of generosity. He was not happy, so he decided to take a retreat to the nearby hills to be alone. Where he encountered an angel Gabriel, who then commanded him to preach the revelations that he woul dbe given -
In 973, a new Shi'ite dynasty under the fatimads was established in egypt with its capita being cairo -
The Qur'an is created
Muhammad was acquainted with jewish and christian beliefs. Allah revealed himself through moses and jesus. Through Hebriac and christian traditions. muhammad had gotten the final revealtions, which were written on scribes and became the Qur'an(the recitation). The Qur'an was the holy scriptures of islam.