Islam Timeline

By doretti
  • 570

    Muhammad is Born

    He was born to his mother in Mecca Arabia. His father died a year early.
  • Period: 570 to 632

    Muhammad's Life

  • 576

    Muhammad's Mother dies

    His mother dies and he becomes a widow. He is then latered transfered to his grandfather in Syria.
  • 595

    Gets married

    He meets and marries Khadijah. They have many daughters together.
  • 597

    First Daughter is Born

    The first daughters name is Zainab. They later have three more daughters.
  • 610

    Muhammad receives his first revelation

    He receives his first revelation from the Allah on a mountain.
  • 610

    Begins to gather followers

    He begins to gather followers secretly in Mecca. Some of his first followers were his family.
  • 613

    Begins to speak in public

    He starts to speak in public in Mecca. He preaches Allahs revelation that were given to him.
  • 614

    Persecution of Muslims begin

    Persecution begins. A year later small groups move to Ethopia.
  • 624

    Battle of Badr

    It is one of the few battles that are mentioned in the Qura'an. The Muslims faced the Quraish who were also in Mecca. The Muslism won despite their smaller numbers. This battle was considered to have divine intervention that helped them.
  • 625

    Battle of Uhud

    The Battle of Uhud was against the Quarish's again. They faught in the Valley of Mount Uhud. Muslism suffered a greater loss than the Quarish's, but they did not give up Medina.
  • 627

    Battle of Trench or Medina

    Once again this was a battle against the Quarish's. This time other tribes faught with both sides to give aid. The Quarish's tired to siege Medina, but failed. This resulted in victory for the Muslims.
  • 632

    Muhammad dies

    Muhammad died in Medina. He died at the age of 62. He died from becoming ill. He was burried where he died which was in the house of his current wife Aisha.