

By duwize1
  • 570

    The Prophet Muhhamad born in Mecca in Arabia.

    The Prophet Muhhamad born in Mecca in Arabia.
  • Period: 570 to Jan 1, 632

    Life of Muhammad

  • Jan 1, 610

    Muhammad has a vision where God communicates to him.

    Muhammad has a vision where God communicates to him.
    The angel Grabriel comes to Muhammad in the first of many visions and gives tells him he is the final prophet of God. This message eventually is recorded in the Koran, Islam's holy book.
  • Jan 1, 622

    The Hijra

    The Hijra
    Because his monotheistic prosyletizing is hurting commerce in Mecca, a polytheistic center of worship, Muhammad is persecuted. He flees from Mecca to Medinah, which is known as the Hijra or flight.
  • Jan 1, 630

    Muhammad gains control of Mecca, along with much of Arabian Peninsula.

    Muhammad gains control of Mecca, along with much of Arabian Peninsula.
    Muhammad gains a following in Medinah and eventually gains control of Mecca and the surrounding area by force.
  • Jan 1, 632

    Muhammad dies.

    Muhammad dies.
  • Jan 1, 632

    Abu Bakr succeeds Muhammad.

    Abu Bakr succeeds Muhammad.
    Abu Bakr, Muhammad's uncle, is chosen as the successor of Muhammad. The leader of the new Islamic empire is called a Caliph.
  • Period: Jan 1, 632 to

    Islam as an empire.

  • Jan 20, 644

    Beginning of Umayyad Dynasty.

    Beginning of Umayyad Dynasty.
  • Jan 20, 661

    Islamic empire stretches from North Africa to Persia.

    Islamic empire stretches from North Africa to Persia.
  • Jan 20, 740

    Beginning of the Abbasid dynasty.

    Beginning of the Abbasid dynasty.
  • Jan 20, 1000

    The beginning of the Crusades.

    The beginning of the Crusades.
  • Jan 20, 1071

    Seljuk Turks defeat Byzatine army and begin to create their own Islamic empire.

    Seljuk Turks defeat Byzatine army and begin to create their own Islamic empire.
  • Jan 20, 1258

    Mongol invasion of Islamic empire.

    Mongol invasion of Islamic empire.
  • Ottoman Empire crumbles during WWI.

    Ottoman Empire crumbles during WWI.