Isaac Newton

  • Birth

    Isaac Newton Was Born On December 25 1642
  • Mom left Him

    Mom left Him
    Isaac Mom Left Him on Jan. 1646
  • Mom Returned

    Mom Returned
  • Grantham Grammar School

    Grantham Grammar School
    Newton enrolls in the Grantham Grammar School
  • Isaac Newton Goes to Collage

    Isaac Newton Goes to Collage
    Newton enrolls in Trinity College, Cambridge.
  • Bachelor

    Newton receives his bachelor of arts from Trinity College
  • Plague

    Fire in London. Outbreak of plague drives Newton to retire to his mother's home in Woolsthorpe. Newton conducts prism experiments, discovers spectrum of light; works out his system of "fluxions," precursor of modern calculus; begins to consider the idea of gravity.
  • Started Math

    Started Math
    Newton appointed Lucasian Chair of Mathematics at Trinity, a position he will hold for the next thirty-four years.
  • Newton Elected

    Newton was elected to the Royal Society
  • Newton And Experiments

    Newton's paper on optics and his prism experiments sent to the Society. Rivalry with Hooke begins.
  • Newton And Gravity

    Newton works on the mathematics of gravitation in his home in Cambridge.
  • Halley Visits Newton

    Halley goes to visit Newton in Cambridge, where they discuss the principle inverse squares and its relationship with planetary orbits.
  • Newton sends a brief treatise,

    Newton sends a brief treatise, Propositiones de Motu, to the Royal Society, outlining his findings.
  • Newton presents the first book of the Principia

    Newton presents the first book of the Principia to the Royal Society.
  • Publication of the complete Principia

    Publication of the complete Principia
  • Newton elected as Cambridge's representative

    Newton elected as Cambridge's representative to Parliament.
  • Newton's "Black Year."

    Newton's "Black Year." He is plagued by depression and insomnia, and apparently suffers a nervous breakdown in September.
  • Newton appointed warden of the Mint

    Newton appointed warden of the Mint, to oversee the implementation of a new currency. He leaves Cambridge and moves to London.
  • Newton named master of the Mint.

    Newton named master of the Mint.
  • Newton President

    Death of Hooke; Newton elected President of the Royal Society.
  • Publication of Opticks

    Publication of Opticks; beginning of feud with Leibniz.
  • Newton knighted by Queen Anne.

    Newton knighted by Queen Anne.
  • Under Newton's Direction

    Royal Society commission, under Newton's direction, investigates the competing claims of Leibniz and Newton to having developed calculus, and decides in favor of Newton.
  • Second edition of the Principia published.

    Second edition of the Principia published.
  • Third edition of the Principia published

    Third edition of the Principia published; all reference to Leibniz has been removed.
  • Death

    Death of Sir Isaac Newton, in London.