inventors and inventions miah

By Miah N
  • Seed Drill (Jethro Tull)

    Seed Drill (Jethro Tull)
    The seed drill mechanically sows the land evenly and plants the seeds deep enough so they can grow. It was invented by Jethro Tull.
  • Steam Engine (Thomas Newcomen)

    Steam Engine (Thomas Newcomen)
    Thomas Newcomen created the steam engine. This was used to power steam boats by creating pressurized steam to move it.
  • Leaden Condensing Chamber (John Roebuck)

    Leaden Condensing Chamber (John Roebuck)
    It is an industrial method used to produce sulfuric acid in large quantities. The substitution of leaden chambers for glass globes. Invented by John Roebuck.
  • Spinning Jenny (James Hargreaves )

    Spinning Jenny (James Hargreaves	)
    The machine used eight spindles onto which the thread was spun, so by turning a single wheel, the operator could now spin eight threads at once. Made by Hargreaves
  • Spinning Mule (Samuel Crompton)

    Spinning Mule (Samuel Crompton)
    The spinning mule was invented by Samuel Crompton Helped with textile production by increasing cotton spinning speeds.
  • Puddling Process (Henry Cort)

    Puddling Process (Henry Cort)
    The puddling process converted pig iron into wrought iron by subjecting it to heat and stirring it in a furnace, without using charcoal. Henry Cort came up with this process.
  • Power Loom (Edmund Cartwright)

    Power Loom (Edmund Cartwright)
    The power loom was a steam-powered loom that mechanized the process of weaving threads into cloth. Edmund Cartwright brought this idea to life.
  • Cotton Gin (Eli Whitney)

    Cotton Gin (Eli Whitney)
    The cotton gin spins the cotton to remove the seeds. Eli Whitney made this invention
  • Steam Boat (Robert Fulton)

    Steam Boat (Robert Fulton)
    Robert Fulton designed and operated the world's first successful steamboat. It boils water and the steam powers it
  • Sewing Machine (Elias Howe)

    Sewing Machine (Elias Howe)
    It was invented by Elias Howe to increase the production rate of textiles. Used instead of hand sewing
  • First Transatlantic Cable (Cyrus Field)

    First Transatlantic Cable (Cyrus Field)
    Cyrus Field invented the first transatlantic cable. The cable was used for communicating between continents.
  • Celloid (John Wesley)

    Celloid (John Wesley)
    Celloid is a type of color material used in hardened objects. For example, 8balls, film reels, and tiles