Inventors and Inventions

  • Jethro Tull invents the horse drawn seed drill

    Jethro Tull invents the horse drawn seed drill
    In 1700 Jethro Tull perfected the horse drawn seed drill which put seeds into neat rows, it later was changed to the horse drawn hoe.
  • John Kay invents the flying shuttle

    John Kay invents the flying shuttle
    The flying shuttle was one of the key developments in the industrialization of weaving during the early Industrial Revolution. It allowed a single weaver to weave much wider fabrics, and it could be mechanized, allowing for automatic machine looms.
  • John Wesley's theology

    John Wesley's theology
    John Wesley was one of the great minds during the industrial revolution. He stressed the life of being christian and holy; to love god with ones heart, mind, soul, and strength.
  • John Roebuck invents the steam engine

    John Roebuck invents the steam engine
    John Roebuck played an important part in the industrial revolution. He is known for inventing sulfuric acid and most of all the steam engine.
  • Samuel Crompton invents the spinning mule

    Samuel Crompton invents the spinning mule
    As a young boy Crompton was forced to spin yarn by hand so when he grew up he invented the spinning mule. It was a machine used to spin cotton and other fabrics.
  • Nicolas Leblanc invents soda ash

    Nicolas Leblanc invents soda ash
    Nicolas leblanc was a very well rounded chemist ans is best known for his discovery of sodium chloride in 1790
  • Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin

    Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin
    Elijah Whitney revolutionized the cotton selling game when he created the cotton gin in 1794. It allowed cotton to be deseeded much much quicker than usual, causing numbers to jump.
  • George Stephenson invented the steam locomotive

    George Stephenson invented the steam locomotive
    George Stephenson aka the father of railways invented the first steam locomotive which made a great impact on trading and transportation.
  • David Ricardo's Principles of Political Economy and Taxation

    David Ricardo's Principles of Political Economy and Taxation
    David Ricardo's theory was that countries have an advantage with trading for resources they can not get in their home country
  • Elias Howe invented the sewing machine

    Elias Howe invented the sewing machine
    In 1846, Elias Howe invented the first ever sewing machine. This would change the world. People could now make clothes more efficiently and make more clothes and some people even began selling them.
  • Karl Marx comes up with Marxism

    Karl Marx comes up with Marxism
    Marxism is the theory that examines the effect of capitalism on labor, productivity, and economic development and argues for a worker revolution to overturn capitalism in favor of communism.
  • Cyrus West Field creates ATC

    Cyrus West Field creates ATC
    In 1866 Cyrus West Field started the business of the Atlantic Telegraph Company. He laid the first ever telegraph cable across the Atlantic.