Jethro Tull
Invented seed drill. This helped farmers to spread seeds evenly. -
John Wesley
Created an interlocking system of "societies," annual conferences, and preaching "circuits" (Methodist "connections") -
Thomas Newcomen
Invented the first steam engine.This greatly increased travel speeds when used in vehicles. -
John Roebuck
Introduction of leaden condensing chambers in the manufacture of sulfuric acid, allowed him to mass produce sulfur -
Robert Owen
Utopian model-His developed model envisaged an association of 500–3,000 people as the optimum for a working community. While mainly agricultural, it would possess the best machinery, offer varied employment, and as far as possible be self-contained. -
Adam Smith
Smith's ideas—the importance of free markets, assembly-line production methods, and gross domestic product (GDP)—formed the basis for theories of classical economics. -
Henry Cort
Invented one of the most important iron-making processes of the Industrial Revolution, allowed manufacturers to mass produce iron. -
Eli Whitney
Invented the cotton gin-separated cotton easily. Slavery became more lucrative. -
Robert Fulton
Developed the world's first commercially successful steamboat. Greatly increased travel speeds of large boats, allowing people to move cargo quicker. -
Elias Howe
Lockstitch sewing machine- helped the mass production of sewing machines and clothing. -
Karl Marx
His theories that led to the development of Marxism. His ideas also served as the basis for communism. -
Cyrus Field
Noted for the success of the first transatlantic cable. Allowed people from different continents to communicate.