Engraving of the williams typewriter by e  poyet 517389640 59d3dacad088c0001188ea37

Inventions project

  • Period: 1440 to 1440

    The printing press

    German Frederick Koenig invents an improved printing press. The printing press allowed us to share large amounts of information quickly. It also allows us to send huge numbers. The printing press is one of the most important inventions of our time.
  • The coottin gin

    The coottin gin
    It was developed in 1794 by Eli Whitney. It also increased slave labor. It became a more profitable cash crop mechanical. Before the invention, it was very hard to process to harvest and clean the cotton. The cotton gin made harvesting and cleaning cotton much easier.
  • the battery

    the battery
    Count Alessandro Volta invents the battery. The battery was the first device developed to power electrical devices. The Italian physicist Alessandro Volta is generally credited with having developed the first operable battery. later on in the mid-1800s did the dynamo and generator take over as a primary power source.
  • The steam locomotive

    The steam locomotive
    It was developed in 1802 by Stephenson. Steam locomotives are vehicles that run on rails or tracks and are powered by steam engines. The railroad lines provide faster transportation. Steam locomotive changed transportation by allowing us to ship goods and travel faster than ever before.
  • The Steam Boat

    The Steam Boat
    It was developed about Robert folten. It made traveling faster. It also did not have to rely on wind. Neither was it affected by the currents..
  • The miner´s lamp

    The miner´s lamp
    Humphry Davy invents the miner's lamp in 1815. It was designed to be lit safely for miners to use without allowing the heat from the flame to explode the concentration of methane gas. The miner's lamp uses colzalene for fuel. The Davy lamp is a safety lamp for use in flammable atmospheres.
  • The stethoscope

    The stethoscope
    René Laënnec invents the stethoscope. The stethoscope was made using a long, rolled paper tube to funnel the sound from the patient's chest to his ear. This evolving device got doctors thinking about the disease in new ways. Before the stethoscope, to be sick, the patient had to feel sick.
  • The soda fountain

    The soda fountain
    Samuel Fahnestock patents the soda fountain in 1819. The soda fountain was an attempt to replicate mineral waters that bubbled up from the Earth. Many civilizations believed that drinking, and bathing, in these mineral waters cured diseases. Two of the most famous old-fashioned soda fountain drinks are similar to what we commonly call ice cream floats today.
  • The toy balloons

    The toy balloons
    Professor Michael Faraday invented the toy balloons in 1824. The first balloon was made out of pig bladders. The first modern, rubber balloons on record were made by Michael Faraday in 1824. it was a very fun invention
  • The Reaper

    The Reaper
    It was developed in 1845 by Cyrus McCormick. It made harvesting and clearing the crop much easier. It also increased farmers' productivity. The mechanical reaper was much less in the 1800s than now.