Inventions Project

  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    Invented by: James Watt
    Where: Scottland
    With the invention of the steam engine the railroad was a much faster way of transportation.This gave the railroads a new meaning and since there were many around the states, they used the steam engine to carry shipments much quicker than they ever could before. It was used to power not only trains but factories, boats and even the first cars. Some steam engines are still operating today, but there are other ways now of powering things.
  • Steamboat

    Invented by: Robert Fulton
    Where: New York
    The steamboat's impacted society very much in the transporting of goods. Without the steamboat, trade would've been much more difficult and it increased the dependancy of manufactured goods. Thes steamboat expanded markets and caused the rise of market crops. We still use it today to transport goods.
  • Erie Canal

    Erie Canal
    Gov. DeWitt Clinton of New York was the driving force.
    Where: Connection of Great Lakes to Atlantic via Hudson River.
    The creation of the canal caused settlers to pour in. The easy transportation route made the cost of shipment much less and quicker. Today the Erie Canal is not used for shipments as much even though it still could be, it's used by pleasure boaters.
  • Mechanical Reaper

    Mechanical Reaper
    Invented by : Cyrus McCormick
    Where: Virginia
    The invention of the mechanical reaper saved many from long and painful hours of labor. It could harvest more grain than five men making work shorter and easier for farmers. The reaper was eventually replaced but during that time, it was an invention that helped conserve energy and harvest a lot more grain.
  • Railroad

    Invented by: Granite Railway Company
    Where: Quincy, Massachusetts
    The railroad impacted transportation of that time. It gave a huge advantage of speed and allowed goods to be shipped no matter what the weather conditons are. We still use railroads while using trains as a fast way of transportation.
  • Steel Plow

    Steel Plow
    Invented by: John Deere
    Where: Gran Detour, Illinois
    The impact the steel plow had on society was a huge one. While settlers were movng more west, the soil was becoming more fertile and a lot thicker meaning wooden plows would break. The steel plow allowed the planting of crops in order to sustain living and farming. The plows we use now are powered by a gas engine, but the Deere company is still in service.
  • Telegraph

    Invented by: Samuel Morse
    Where: New York
    The telograph was the way to quickly communicate. It was the first machine that could transmit messages from one place to another. Even though we don't use it today, it shaped the invention of the telephone, internet, etc.
  • Morse Code

    Morse Code
    Invemted by: Samuel Morse
    Where: New York
    Morse Code impacted communication creating a new language using dashes and dots. It was the way to communicate quickly from far away and made it easier for people to get messages across using the telograph as the messenger. People used Morse Code as a short and easy way to communicate. We do not use Morse Code in our socity today.
  • Vulcanized Rubber

    Vulcanized Rubber
    Invented by: Charles Goodyear
    Where: Springfield, Massachusetts
    The impact that it had was this rubber was the first rubber to actually be stable and pliable without melting in the heat and cracking in the cold. At first workers used it to protect their shoes. His invention revolutionized the rubber industry. The invention is still being used today in tires, shoe soles, hockey pucks, etc.
  • Sewing Machine

    Sewing Machine
    Invented by: Isaac Singer
    Where: Boston, Massachusetts
    The sewing machine grately impacted the textile industry making it easier and quicker for women to make clothes. It also helped other industries grow because of the massive need for thread and needles. We still use this machine today to sew. Even though machines now don't require someone to do it, many people use these machines in their home.