
Inventions of the Industrial Revoultion

  • Spinning Jenny By: James Harhgreaves

    Spinning Jenny By: James Harhgreaves
    This is a improved version of the spinning wheel. It spun and made the ball of yarn made for the weavers and loomers.This improved the cotton industry. The clothing was growing cheaper.
  • Steam Engine: Thomas Savery

    Steam Engine: Thomas Savery
    The engine was able to harness steam power to energy. This was made by Thomas Savery and is used in the trains and also the main engine in steamboat. This enhancement was able to make other creations such as steamboats, cars, the first airplane, and trains. The travel time was greatly reduced . Even the factories used it so the production also sped up
  • Factory Systems By: Samuel Slator

    Factory Systems By: Samuel Slator
    Everything required was at one place. These are mostly bult close to water for easy disposal. Also mostly found in the New England region because not much farming could take place.
  • Cotton Gin By: Eli Whitney

    Cotton Gin By: Eli Whitney
    Helped seperate the cotton from its seeds and clean. This was gvien to the weavers.
  • Interchangeable Parts By: Eli Whitney

    Interchangeable Parts By: Eli Whitney
    These were the replacements of the exact same parts. Sometimes used to change the looks of the item, for example a gun. Fixing things was now easier and manufacturing was easy.
  • National Roads By: Albert Gallatin

    National Roads By: Albert Gallatin
    This allowed people to move along easier. Travel was faster and roads were smoother. people would also not get lost easily
  • Steamboats By; Robert Fulton

    Steamboats By; Robert Fulton
    He saild the first commercial steamboat. Later in 4 years, regular steamboat service had started. This reduced travel time. Travel in water advanced and more jobs were created.
  • Erie Canal By: John Clahoun

    Erie Canal By: John Clahoun
    A waterway form NYC to Bufflao. This added another route and a way of faster transport. These linked cities so goods could be transported too. Westward expansion was easier.
  • Lowell Mills By: Francis C. Lowell

    Lowell Mills By: Francis C. Lowell
    Factories were in semi water. Girls started to come to 12 hour shifts. This helped women with jobs and gave a new branch of edcuation.
  • Steel Plow By: John Deere

    Steel Plow By: John Deere
    This was an improved plow. it helped the farmers work faster and work was easier in heavy soils. Now more types of land could be farmed on and this improved the farming industry
  • Telegraph By: Samuel F.B. Moorse

    Telegraph By: Samuel F.B. Moorse
    These telephlone sent electrical messages. Now communication was almost immideate . This was required espically for energency communication.
  • Sewing Machine By: Elias Howe

    Sewing Machine By: Elias Howe
    It was an improved machine to make clothers. The neefle was running away now and the yarn was held vertically. Increased production and the need for cotton.
  • Transcontinental Railroad

    Transcontinental Railroad
    Central Union Railroad and Pacific Union Railroad decided to add a railroad system in Ameerica. Travelling was easier and even more fast. The trains could also be used for goods and people won get lost so often.