Boys mill macon georgia 1909

Inventions Of The Industrial Revolution

  • The Spinning Jenny

    The Spinning Jenny
    The Spinning Jenny is a multi-spindle spinning frame, and was one of the key developments in the industrial revolution. It was invented by James Hargreaves, in 1764 and helped to create a more efficient way of spinning yarns. The machine allowed more threads and yarns to be produced by fewer spinners.
  • (Watt) Steam Engine

    (Watt) Steam Engine
    The Watt Steam engine was invented by James Watt in 1765. Watt's steam engine opened up an entirely new field of application. It enabled the steam engine to be used to operate rotary machines in factories such as cotton mills, and open many new ideas for inventors of the time.
  • Power Loom

    Power Loom
    The first power loom was invented in 1785, by inventor Edmund Cartwright. It was a machine used to make yarn into fabrics in a short period of time, and was used by many women. It was slowly refined over the nest 45 years to become more efficient, and develop along with society.
  • Cotten Gin

    Cotten Gin
    The first cotton gin was invented in 1793, by inventor Eli Whitney. The cotton gin was used on cotton plantations, and were mainly operated by black slaves. The cotton gin created a more efficient way to separate the seeds from the cotton, and not have to do it by hand.
  • Locomotive

    The locomotive was invented in 1804 and was invented by Richard Trevithick.Trevithich was the first engineer to debut the first full-scale locomotive to be used on railways in the mining field. The train was a segway into railway transportation, and led to the development of the future US railroad system.
  • Steamboat

    The first steamboat was invented by Robert Fulton, and he accomplished this great feat in 1807. Fultons debut of the steamboat occurred on the Delaware river, and was the first truly successful demonstration, and design of the boat.
  • Photograph

    Photography/the first camera was invented in 1822 by Henry Fox Talbot. He invented the first prototype for the camera, and was the first successful person to capture an image using flash photography. The images were used to help spread news, and were commonly used by publishers of the news.
  • Sewing Machine

    Sewing Machine
    The sewing machine was invented in 1829, by Barthélemy Thimonnier who was a French tailor. He invented the sewing machine to get rid of hand stitching, and create a more efficient way to produce large amounts of clothing and other fabrics.
  • Telephone

    The telephone was invented in 1849, by Antonio Meuccis. He invented the telephone to help people communicate over long distances, without having to wait long periods of time for a response. This helped many people to communicate with their friends and family.
  • The Telegraph

    The Telegraph
    The telegraph was invented by Italian innovator Antonio Meucci, in 1849. The telegraph was the first item that could provide instant communication over vast distances between two people. It also helped emergencies by answering quickly/being able to respond quickly, and overall benefited society.
  • Dynamite

    Dynamite is an explosive that was created in 1867, by a Swedish chemist named Alfred Nobel. It rapidly gained widespread popularity, and usage as a better option compared to the traditional black powder explosives.
  • Automobile

    Karl Benz was the inventor of the automobile, and invented the automobile in 1886. The automobile was the first mobile vehicle that was made available to the public. The first automobile was also called the Benz Patent Motor Car, and was only used by very high class members of society.