Steam Engine
In 1775, James Watt improved on the steam engine to help improve lives during the Industrial Revolution. The engine could hold a mass amount of steam energy to move machinery. It moved faster than a regular boat, which helped manufacture goods. -
Cotton Gin
Eli Whitney created the cotton gin on March 14, 1794. The cotton gin was a great invention to the United States because it worked much faster than regular laborers. With little to no effort the cotton gin can remove seeds from the cotton. A regular worker takes a whole day to go through one pound of cotton. The cotton gin can go through up to fifty pounds a day. This invention changed society because it helped workers preform better and faster. -
Cyrus McCormick, the inventor of the reaper, had a big part in the Industrial Revolution. He invented the reaper in July, 1831. His original reaper cut down high standing grain, and the reel that revolved swept it onto the end of a platform where workers would pile it. This reaper could pile more grain than five workers. He later on made a reaper factory and a reaper that piled grain by wire. This invention changed society because it changed the way people worked. -
Light Bulb
In 1879, Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. He basically improved the old model of the light bulb, which was about 50 years old. They needed better light because people needed to see once the sun went down. He improved the model by using a lower current electricity, a carbonized filament, and an improved vaccum inside the light bulb itself. -
Sewing Machine
In 1844, Elias Howe developed the sewing machine. Citizens in the United States needed a faster way to make clothing, and the sewing machine was it. The machine pushed a needle through cloth and created what is called a lockstitch. This method had some complications, but all models do. This changed society because it helped citizens make cloth faster.