Water Frame
The water frame allowed cotton fibers to be easily spun into cotton thread. It was created by Richard Arkwright. It made cotton easier to be spun. -
The steamboat made moving goods cheaper and more efficient. First patent was givin to John Fitch. -
Cotton Gin
Eli Whitney built the cotton gin. It pulled the cotton through a rotating cylinder with openings that were too small for seeds to pass through. It picked out seeds of the cotton by machine and it was more efficent. -
Erie Canal
The Erie Canal was completed in 1825. It is used for transportation and helped transport goods quicker and more at a time. -
Railroad Locomotive
They created national markets for many goods by making transportation cheaper. Peter Cooper built it. They also increased demand for iron and coal. -
Samuel F.B. Morse created it. News and other information could be sent via telegraph over long distances nearlt instantly. He created Morse code in 1832 and first message was sent in 1844. -
Sewing Machine
Invented by Elias Howe, and it allowed large quantites on cloth to be sewn into mass-produced clothing. Made clothing cheaper and could make them quicker.