Industrial revolution children labor 3

Inventions during the Industrial Revolution

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    Industrial Revolution

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    Industrial Revolution

  • Seed Drill - Jethro Tull

    Seed Drill - Jethro Tull
    The seed drill allowed farmers to sow seeds in well-spaced rows at specific depths, which helped the seeds take root.
  • Flying Shuttle - John Kay

    Flying Shuttle - John Kay
    A boat-shaped piece of wood to which yarn was attached, doubled the work a weaver could do in a day.
  • Spinning Jenny - James Hargreaves

    Spinning Jenny - James Hargreaves
    Allowed one spinner to work eight threads at a time.
  • Water Frame - Richard Arkwright

    Water Frame - Richard Arkwright
    This machine used the water-power from rapid strams to drive spinning wheels.
  • Spinning Mule - Samuel Crompton

    Spinning Mule - Samuel Crompton
    Combined the features of the spinning jenny and the water frame, it made thread thatwas stronger, finer, and more consisten than earlier spinning machines.
  • Power Lume - Edmund Cartwright

    Power Lume - Edmund Cartwright
    This machine was run by water and was able to speed up the rate of weaving
  • Cotton Gin - Eli Whitney

    Cotton Gin - Eli Whitney
    This machine removed seeds from raw cotton which skyrocketed the amount of cotton that could be cleaned.
  • Macadam Roads - John McAdam

    Macadam Roads - John McAdam
    McAdam equppied raodbeds with a layer of large stones for drainage, then placed a smooth layer of crushed rock on top of that which allowed heavy wagons to travel in rainy weather.
  • Railroad - Richard Trevithick

    Railroad - Richard Trevithick
    Trevithick hauled ten tons of iron over nearly ten miles of track in a steam-driven locomotive.
  • Steamboat - Robert Fulton

    Steamboat - Robert Fulton
    The first steam powered boat, was able to carry a large amount of poeple across water.