
  • Spinning Jenny

    Spinning Jenny
    Invented by James Hargreave, it made sewing easier and faster. it also mad it cheaper and more cotton was nedded. Helped the the cloth making industry.
  • Steam engine

    Steam engine
    Created by James Watt, a steam engine was able to harness the energy of steam to move machinery. It was central to the Industrial Revolution; trasportation was easier, faster and cheaper, making many small and large buisnesses grow.
  • Factory Systems

    Factory Systems
    Created by Samule Slator, all steps of manufacturing occurred in one location. Brought machines and workers under one roof. increased growth of cities; job opportunities and clothing industry grew.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    Invented by Eli Whitney, its a machine designed to remove cotton from its seeds. The cotton gin made the cotton industry of the south boom. It made cotton easier to make and cloth cheaper.
  • Interchangable Parts

    Interchangable Parts
    Invented by Eli Whitney, they were replacement pieces of exact specifications, and they were exactly alike. Production became faster; repairs easier and cheaper;decreased need for skilled labor.
  • National Roads

    National Roads
    Constructed by Albert Gallatin, ita a road built from Maryland to Virginia. It allowed people to move about the country easier and aided with settlement of new areas.
  • Steamboats

    Invented by Robert Fulton, boats were now powwrd by steam engines rather than a water wheel. Transportation became easier and faster; cities developed such as St.Louis; helped westward expansion.
  • Erie Canals

    Erie Canals
    Created by John C.Calhoun it was the first transportation system between the eastern seaboard. It made shipping faster and cheaper, and help growth of the country.
  • Lowell Mills

    Lowell Mills
    Invented by Francis Cabot Lowell,it gave jobs to younger women. the worked for 10 hours and it gave a chance for education. At the same time it also put many workers in danger.
  • Steel Plow

    Steel Plow
    Invented by John Deere, it was used for farming to break up tough soil without soil getting stuck to it. It made farming faster and easier, and really helped with the growth of the farming industry.
  • Telegraph

    Invented by Samuel F.B. Morse, it was a communication system that transmitted electric signals over wires from location to location that translated into a message. It made communication way easier and helped the growth of many companies, and even started new ones.
  • Transcontinental Railroad

    Transcontinental Railroad
    Built by the Cantral Pacific Railroad and the Union Pacific Railroad, it connected the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. It improved tranportation as goods and people would be connected west.
  • Sewing machine

    Sewing machine
    Invented by Elias Howe, , it had a needle with an eye at the end, the needle was pushed throgh the cloth and created a loop on the other side. The sewing machine made it easier and cheaper to sew, and it increased the need for cotton.