John Watt steam engine
john watt improved the steam engine. it wa used to pump water out of mines in egland existes -
Eli Whitney - Cotton Gin
Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin. this help seperate the seeds from the cotton fibers, this made it so much an easier job -
John Fitch - Steamboat
john fitch invented the steamboat which helps you travel faster across water. -
Samuel F. B. Morse - electromagnetic telegraph
morse invented the electromagnetic telegraph which allow people to comunicate from a long distance -
moses farmer - electric fire alarm system
Moses Farmer invented the electric fire alarm system. this alert people who is near a fire -
Cyrus Field - telegraph
cyrus field made so more improvements on the telegraph, that allowed us to make long distance calls -
Alexander Graham Bell - telphone
alexander created the telephone. this help us communicate with people who is at a distance from you. this important because it makes it easier to communicate with people -
Thomas edison - light bulb
thomas dison invented the light bulb which gave us light in a closed area. this is important because we wouldnt be able to see things at dark -
John Kellogg - kellogg cereal
john kellogg invented the first cereal. this provided a healthy breaskfast cereal for people around the world and is very popular today -
Orville and Wilbur Wright - airplane
Orville and Wilbur Wright invented the first airplane. airplane allow people to travel across the air. its important because It's a faster way of transportation to other countries.