
My exposure to different forms of media through time (Ian Peter Dela Cruz)

  • Books

    I was already in school in this age of 8. I became fond with books such as encyclopedias and dictionaries.
  • Telephone

    My first exposure over a telephone is on a PLDT model in my grandmother's house. I used to pick up calls for her. Using this I learned how to do prank calls.
  • Radio

    I learned many pop music because of radio.
  • Television

    We were lucky to have cable connection during that time and I was able to watch different shows.Shows such as Spongebob Squarepants, Little Einsteins and Ben 10 were my favorite . I used to watch news during this time where I was already 9.
  • Cellphone

    Before the demise of Nokia, I was able to enjoy some of their products. I didn't had my cellphone that time, I was only borrowing my brother's cellphone just to play Final Fantasy games and Pokemon RPG ; I discovered the internet here when I saw the browser section.
  • Computer

    I was using this when I was 11 years old for searching information especially for my assignments . During this time I was starting to learn how to type the keyboard the easy way. Also , I learned how play games such as Half-Life and Counter-Strike.
  • Facebook

    I experienced many things when I had my first FB account. I experienced to gain so many enemies because I didn't know the ethics in social media. I had enemies just because of a wrong emoji but gladly I had at least increased my social skills because of fb.
  • Youtube

    I learned much more music than I used to with the radio. In youtube I learned about music videos and vlogs.
  • Yahoo!

    I didn't know much about this that's why I paid no attention to this. I only know this because of it is required to make an account for FB.
  • 9gag

    When I was exploring facebook I came here and learned about memes in its main site. I was able to share my opinion about someone's memes and also make my own one .
  • Smartphone

    When I had my smartphone I learned how to text people and also receive from someone. Then I became annoyed because of the earthquake alerts. So I used messenger app instead using this machine.
  • Twitter

    I thought about this as boring . I feel lonely here but I was able to release most of my thoughts here. Especially that most of my fb friends won't see what I tweet.