Intro to Agriculture 1600-1800

  • Jamestown settled

    Jamestown settled
    They arrived on three ships called: The Susan Constant, The Godspeed, and the Discovery. The area was far enough inland and surrounded by water on three sides, which made it easily defensible against Spanish invaders, and was not currently inhabited by native Americans. This is important because this was the first english permanent settlement.
  • First African slaves brought to virginia

    First African slaves brought to virginia
    The first African slaves were brought to virginia from Angola in West Central Africa. By the 1700, slaves were displacing southern indentured servants. This caused the slave problem leading to africans being forced to work in cotton fields and do other hard manual labor.
  • Colonial Farming Technologies

    Colonial Farming Technologies
    Agriculture technologies began to improve. Most of the farming was done by hand but the inventions of using farming equipment that used horses and steam power made farming a lot more efficient.
  • Agriculture in Virginia

    Agriculture in Virginia
    At that time Tobacco was the most important money crop. This was important because successful tobacco crops meant lucrative profits for planters, which promoted a boost for the global economy.
  • Parliament Acts

    Parliament Acts
    England adopted a series of laws known as “Parliamentary Acts.” These laws regulated trade from the American colonies by requiring that goods exported to England be sent on British ships. This was important because it was the event that led up to the rebellion
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    The British Parliament passed the Stamp Act, the first direct tax on the American colonies, which included taxation on printed documents, newspapers, dice, and playing cards. This is important because that led to the creation of The Sons Of Liberty.
  • The Declaration Of Independence

    The Declaration Of Independence
    Resulted partly from British controls on farm exports, restrictions on land titles, and limitations on western settlement. This was important because we finally could grow crops without being taxed.
  • Shays Rebellion

    Shays Rebellion
    Was a farmers' revolt against high taxes and deflation in western Massachusetts, demonstrated the general resentment from the economic crisis that followed the American Revolution.
  • The whisky Rebellion

    The whisky Rebellion
    The whisky Rebellion was a result of the federal government authorizing its first tax on a domestic product in order to reduce the national debt. The Whisky Rebellion was a farmers' revolt against taxes on grain in whiskey.
  • The First National Bank

    The First National Bank
    The First National Bank was chartered and signed by George Washington. Its purpose was to manage the massive Revolutionary War debt and create a standard currency for the nation. This was important because we made the revolutionary war debt manageable.
  • Population and Productivity

    Population and Productivity
    In 1790, the total U.S. population was 3,929,214; farmers made up 90% of the labor force. Samuel Hopkins was issued the first patent for a process of making potash, an ingredient used in fertilizer.
  • Public Land Act

    Public Land Act
    This act authorized federal land sales to the public in minimum 640-acre plots at $2 per acre in an attempt to encourage the settlement of western lands. This made it possible for settlers to move to the West, thus increasing the population in the west, and with it, Congressional states.