
  • Beginning of the internet

    Before 1957 computers worked on one task at a time this was called batch processing. This was the year that had remote connectors that were used by developers so they can work directly on computers.

    in 1957 The first ever unmanned satellite was released into orbit by the Soviet Union. This cause a fear of "Missile Gap". The only way to secure America's lead in technology, the US founded the "Defence Advance Research Project Agency"(DARPA).
  • Missile attack

    America's ferret aircraft discover missiles in Cuba, which were able to reach the US. This created a fear of an atomic attack. At that current time information systems had a centralized network architecture. If that was destroyed then they will be no more communication via internet, to avoid this they had to develop a decentralized network.

    The ARPANET began in 1966. This was for universities to share computers they put small computer on front of the mainframe. This small computer the Interface Message Processor(IMP) took over control of the network activities, while the mainframe was in charge of the initializing the programs and data files. The IMP also served as interface for the mainframe.
  • First four nodes

    On 1969 the IMP network linked four nodes: University of California at Los Angeles, SRI (in Stanford), University of California at Santa Barbara, and University of Utah.
  • Email

    Ray Tomlinson a Cambridge, Mass, computer scientist created electronic emails, he used the '@' to identify between the sender's name and network name in the email address.
  • ARPANET removed

    On 1990 the Arpanet was removed, but the internet was up and running