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The Internet & China: A History

  • Chinese Internet Censorship/China Telecom

    Chinese Internet Censorship/China Telecom
    "China has the most extensive Internet censorship in the world, regularly denying local users access to 19,000 Web sites that the government deems threatening." China: Internet Censorship China Telecom opened two 64K dedicated circuits to the United States through Sprint Co. in Beijing and Shanghai. It was also established to provide Dial-up ISP access through telephone networks, a DDN (DataDirect Network) dedicated ci
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    The Internet and China: A History

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    Evolution of Internet in China

  • CAS

    CAS completed the long-distance linkage of its branches in Shanghai, Hefei, Wuhan, Nanjing with IP/X.25 technology. The first step taken by China to extend internet nationwide
  • China Telecom

    China Telecom
    China Telecom started to prepare for building a national backbone network for Chinanet.
  • Shuimu Qinghau BBS

    Shimu Qinghau BBS built in the China Education and Research Network (CERNET) went into operation. This was the first Internet-based BBS in China's mainland.
  • State Council

    The State Council broadcasted the No.195 Decree, for example the Provisional Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Managing the Computer Internet Information Network.
  • China Golden Bridge Network (ChinaGBN)

    The China Golden Bridge Network (ChinaGBN) opened a 256K dedicated circuit connected to the United States. They also announced the decision to give internet access service mainly for institutional users through dedicated circuits and individual circuits through telephone lines.
  • Net 169

    The work on the China Public Multimedia Communication Network, Net 169, launched the countries first group of web sites including Guangdong Shillington, Tianfu Hotline, and Shanghai Online.
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    Internet Usage

  • State Council -- 0.62 million Chinese internet users

    The State Council broadcasted the council's decision on revising the provisonal regulations of the PRC on the managing computer internet information network.
  • China National Network Information Center (CNNIC)

    China National Network Information Center (CNNIC)
    The CAS set up the China National Network Information Center (CNNIC), entrusted by the State Council, in its computer network information center to act as the state internet information center. The same day, the CNNIC work committee was established.
  • First Statistic Report Issued by CNNIC

    First Statistic Report Issued by CNNIC
    CNNIC issued its first statistic report on internet development in China. According to the report, by October 31, 1997, China had more than 290,000 PCS connected to the Internet and 620,000 Internet users, 4,066 registered domain names of CN, 1,500 WWW web sites and 18.64Mbps of bandwidth for international outlets.
  • Chinanet Interconnection

    Chinanet was interconnected to the country's other three Internet networks, the China Science Network, the China Education and Research Network, and the China Golden Bridge Network.
  • Second Stat Report Issued by CNNIC - 1.17 million internet users

    Second Stat Report Issued by CNNIC - 1.17 million internet users
    According to the report, by June 30, 1998, China had more than 542,000 computers linked to the internet, 1,175,000 internet users, 3,415 registered domain names of CN, 3,700 WWW web sites, and 84.6Mbps of bandwidth for international outlet. Internet growth rate: 88%
  • Third Statistic Report --4.00 million internet users

    Third Statistic Report --4.00 million internet users
    The CNNIC releases the third statistic report on the development of internet in China. According to the report, by December 31, 1998, China had more than 747,000 computers linked to the internet, 2.1 million internet users, 18,396 registered domain names of CN, 5,300 WWW web sites, and 143M 256k of bandwidth for international outlets 241% growth rate
  • Ministry of the Information Industry cuts charges on Internet service

    charges on internet service are cut on existing network occupation of dial-up usersand different charges on calls in different periods were cancelled. Network occupation fee of dedicated circuits users was cut by 45% in average.
  • Proposal to join in promotion of development of China's network information communication course

    36 leading domestic internet web sites rpoposed in BEijing that China's media web sites and commercial web sites should join hands in promoting the development of the country's network information communication course in the coming new century.
  • New Platform --16.90 million internet users

    Tongyuan Tibet Web site, China's first minority ethnic web site, opened on the platform of Western, according to the Xinhua News Agency. 322% growth rate
  • Hackers and the Internet War --26.5 million internet users

    US and Chinese hackers engage in an internet war as the diplomatic row about the crashed US spy plane rumbles on. 56% growth rate
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    China Censorship

  • Jiang Lijun --45.8 million internet users

    Jiang Lijun --45.8 million internet users
    Activisit Jiang Lijun arrested following an investigation that used information supplied by Yahoo. 35% growth rate
  • 59.1 million internet users

    29% growth rate
  • 87.00 million internet users

    47.28% growth rate
  • MSN China

    MSN China
    Microsoft agrees to censor its blog writing tool, called spaces on MSN China.
  • Yahoo

    Yahoo accused of supplying to Chinese authorities which led to the jailing of journalist Shi Tao.
  • is set up and censored by the search giant in line with official rules on what people can do and see online in China.
  • Yahoo

    Yahoo is accused by Reporters Without Borders of aiding the Chinese authorities by releasing data that led to the arrest of net activisit Li Zhi.
  • Yahoo

    Yahoo, Microsoft, Cisco, and Google are criticised in a US congressional hearing for giving in to pressure from China to censor their web.
  • Great Firewall of China

    The first part of the Great Firewall of China- also known as the Golden Shield Project- goes into service. This uses several means to make it difficult to reach sites the Chinese governemtn has deemed illegal.
  • MySpace China Version

    MySpace China Version
    Chinese version of MySpace launches, but lacks discussion forums devoted to politics and religion. It also has a filtering system that stops the posting of content about Taiwan's independence, Falun Gong, the Dalai Lama, and other "inappropriate" topics.
  • Yahoo

    Yahoo Issues a statement saying that it was "dismayed" tjhat Chinese citizens have been imprisoning for expressing their political views on the internet.
  • Self-Disciplinary Pledge

    MSN and Yahoo sign a "self-disciplinary pledge" that will limit what users can say on their blogging sites. Both decline to implement one elemetn of the pledge requiring them to collect the real names of users.
  • Yahoo Lawsuit

    Yahoo Lawsuit
    Yahoo settles a lawsuit brought by families of bloggers convicted by information the internet firm handed over to the Chinese authorities.
  • BBC Unblocked

    BBC Unblocked
    BBC News website unblocked in China.
  • China Unblocks Sites for Olympic Games

    China Unblocks Sites for Olympic Games
    In the run-up to the Olympic games, China unblocks websites such as Wikipedia, Blogger, and Youtube. However, many thousands of others remain unaccessible.
  • ID Required for Internet

    China introduces laws which say anyone using an internet cafe must have their picture taken and show ID before they can go online.
  • Chinese Block Access

    Chinese government block access to Youtube for carrying videos of soldiers beating monks and other Tibetans.
  • Gree Damn Net Filtering Software

    China introduces Green Dam Net Filtering Software that wil be fitted to every new PC sold in the country from July 2009. The software was created to stop people looking at "offensive" content such as pornography and violent imagery. The Chinese authorities say use of software is not "mandatory".
  • Tiananmen Square Anniversary

    On the 20th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square protests, micro blogging service Twitter, photo-site Flickr and Youtube are blocked to stop people discussing or seeing footage of events in 1989.
  • China blocks searches

    During rioting, China blocked the keyword searches for "Urumqu" which was the city where the unrest was unfolding, also Twitter, Facebook, and local alternatives were blocked
  • Google unrest January 13- 22

    Google unrest January 13- 22
    Google announces that it might pull out of China following a cyber attack on e-mail accounts of human rights activists, the US calls on Beijing to investigate attacks on Google saying that China tightened censorship, China denounced US criticism of internet controls saying it could hurt relations with China and US