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The Internet

  • First Modem

    First Modem
    The BELL company creates the first modem that allowed to transmit binary data over a simple telephone line.
  • the first items of packet switching

    the first items of packet switching
    In the month of July 1961, Leonard Kleinrock published the first document on the theory of packet switching from MIT. Kleinrock convinced Lawrence Roberts of the theoretical feasibility of communications via packets instead of circuits, which turned out to be a breakthrough on the road to computer work in the network.
  • ARPANET planning

    ARPANET planning
    In 1966, scientists experimented with the use of fiber optics to support the transmission of telephone signals. Bob Taylor in ARPA receives a subsidy to experience a system of interconnection through computers between federal agencies and universities. Three years later he will carry out this initiative in what will be known as ARPANET.
  • ARPANET transports its first packages

    ARPANET transports its first packages
    ARPA developed a new technology called packet switching, whose main characteristic lies in fragmenting the information, dividing it into portions of a certain length, which are called packets. Each package has a header associated with data referring to the destination, origin, verification codes, etc. Thus, the package contains enough information so that it is routed to its destination in the different nodes it traverses.
  • Beginning of the e-mail

    Beginning of the e-mail
    Ray Tomlinson writes the basic software for sending and receiving email messages, driven by the need that the ARPANET developers had for a simple coordination mechanism.
  • The first e-mail sent

    The first e-mail sent
    A connection is made between 23 computers and these are connected to ARPANET. The first email is sent by Ray Tomlinson.
  • Creation of the internet

    Creation of the internet
    The first public demonstration of ARPANET was carried out, a new communications network financed by DARPA that operated in a distributed way over the switched telephone network
    that worked in a distributed way over the switched telephone network. From the philosophy of the project came the name "Internet", which was applied to the system of interconnected networks through TCP and IP protocols.
  • Start of TCP/IP

    Start of TCP/IP
    The development of what would later be known as the TPC / IP protocol is started.
    The development team was led by Vinton Cerf of Stanford and Bob Kahn of DARPA.
    This new protocol was characterized because it allowed to connect diverse networks to be able to interconnect some computers with others.
  • Telenet packet switching network

    Telenet packet switching network
    The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), created by Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn, was established and later developed into the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). TCP converts messages into small packets of information that travel through the network separately until they reach their destination where they regroup again.
  • Creation of the Ethernet

    Creation of the Ethernet
    Dr. Robert M. Metcalfe Ethernet Development, which offers a coaxial cable that allows you to transfer data between computers very easily. This cable is an essential component for the development of up-to-date LANs. In this year, the SATNET project is also created, the Atlantic Satellite Network, will create a network that will unite the United States with Europe. 1976 was the year in which the UUCP (copy of Unix to Unix) was also created by AT & T Bell Labs.
  • Reimplement of the TCP / IP protocol

    Reimplement of the TCP / IP protocol
    DARPA formalizes contracts to reimplement the TCP / IP protocol This was the beginning of a long period of experimentation and development of Internet technology. Starting from the first three ARPANET networks, radio and satellite and from their initial research communities, the experimental environment grew to incorporate any form of network.
  • Software ENQUIRE

    Software ENQUIRE
    The European Organization for Nuclear Research, known as CERN, launched ENQUIRE a hypertext program that allowed scientists in the particle physics laboratory to follow the process and trajectory of people, software and projects using hypertext, what they come to be today web links.
  • The first emoticon is born

    The first emoticon is born
    Although many people give the creation to Kevin MacKenzie, in 1979, the reality is that the emoticon as it is known today was born from the hand of Scott Fahlman in 1982. He proposed to use :) After a joke or funny comment, in place of the original proposed by MacKenzie -).
  • Change to TCP / IP in ARPANET

    Change to TCP / IP in ARPANET
    January 1, 1983 was the deadline for the change to TCP / IP protocols in ARPANET computers. Vinton Cerf created them and at that time only affected hundreds of computers. The name server was also developed the same year.
  • Domain Name System (DNS)

    Domain Name System (DNS)
    The domain name system was created in 1984 together with the first Domain Name Server (DNS). The domain name system was important because it was Internet addresses friendlier and easier to use compared to IP addresses. Therefore a user could type the domain name of a company, instead of its IP address, which in most cases is quite complicated to remember.
  • Internet grows

    Internet grows
    This year there were already about 30,000 computers connected to the Internet. The ARPANET protocol had limitation for 1,000 users, but the adoption of TCP / IP caused that number to grow considerably.
  • Protocol War

    Protocol War
    It started in 1986. The European countries were using Open Systems Interconnection (OSI), while the United States used Internet / ARPANET, which was the one that definitely prevailed.
  • First malicious attack through the Internet

    First malicious attack through the Internet
    One of the first Internet worms was released this year, known as The Morris Worm. It was written by Robert Tappan Morris and caused service interruptions in a general way in much of the Internet.
  • The World Wide Web proposal

    The World Wide Web proposal
    - 1989 brought with it the proposal of the World Wide Web, written by Tim Berners-Lee. It was published in March at MacWorld and later redistributed in May 1990. It was written to persuade CERN that a global hypertext system would be beneficial to everyone. It was originally called Mesh and the term World Wide Web was coined when Berners-Lee wrote the code in 1990.
  • First telephone ISP

    First telephone ISP
    The birth of the first Internet provider through the telephone (The World) together with the PC modem made the Internet popular and people on foot could access it. That same year ARPANET as such disappeared due to the ease of use and services through ISPs.
  • The first web page is born

    The first web page is born
    1991 was the year in which the Internet began to take a more current aspect. The first web page was born in a similar way to the first email. The first web page was just a small reference on what was and what could be done on the World Wide Web.
  • Governments join the Internet

    Governments join the Internet
    In 1993, both the United States White House and the United Nations joined the network of networks and started two of the current .gov and .org domains.
  • Internet Marketing

    Internet Marketing
    This year is known as the year in which the Web became commercial. Several developments made this step possible, such as the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), an encryption system that was developed by Netscape and that allowed to carry out secure online financial transactions.
  • The webmail arrives

    The webmail arrives
    It was in 1996 when HoTMaiL (with capital letters honoring HTML) became the first online email service.
  • Google is born!

    Google is born!
    Google was born in 1998 revolutionizing the way people searched for information online. Today the company has numerous projects underway and has taken on the dimensions of a multinational company that stands up to Microsoft, and other large companies in sectors such as office automation, email, search engines, mobile telephony and, soon, operating systems.
  • Wikipedia is born

    Wikipedia is born
    Wikipedia was launched in 2001 and became the first encyclopedia made by and for Internet users in a collaborative way. One day today continues among us and increases the number of articles and contributions of Internet users.
  • VoIP telephony becomes popular

    VoIP telephony becomes popular
    Skype was born as a program for any user that allowed to make calls at a cheap price through the Internet in a simple way. We could say that VoIP (Voice over IP) became popular.
  • MySpace

    MySpace opened its doors in 2003 and became the most popular social network of the moment, also introduced the concept of social network, group of friends and other vritual relationships that today are so popular thanks to the alternatives that have been snatched the post: Facebook in a global way and Tuenti in Spain.
  • Facebook is born

    Facebook is born
    Facebook was launched in 2004 although closed, that is, only available to American university students. At that time it was known as "The Facebook". Today has lost the "The" and has won millions of users globally, we speak of more than 350 million users.
  • Digg

    Digg was born in November 2004 as a social news site in which the users themselves send the news and through a voting system it is possible to reach the front page and be visible to the rest. He opened the way for services such as Reddit, Mixx, Yahoo!
  • Twitter is born

    Twitter is born
    witter was launched in 2006 and started a new way of communicating, known as microblogging. At the beginning it was going to be called Twittr, in a similar way to Flickr, in fact the first message sent in the service is "just setting up my twttr". Today it continues adding new users and is looking for ways to monetize the service.
  • TV on the internet

    TV on the internet
    On-demand video services for television content began to be born in 2007. In fact, Hulu, a venture capital company of ABC, NBC and Fox, allows online content of these channels to be viewed online.
  • iPhone and mobile Internet

    iPhone and mobile Internet
    With the iPhone and its great popularity Internet has evolved adapting to this type of devices, smartphones, with large screens for mobile. Internet for mobile exists from the times of WAP, but it has not been until the popularization of the smartphones and the connections of mobile broadband when the Network has begun to move towards that direction.