1-3 months
Fine Motor- Keeps hands fisted or slightly open
Gross-Does not control body movements
Emotional- Shows affection by looking at a person while kicking, waving arms, and smiling.
Social- looks at a person alertly and directly. Prefers to look at people over objects.
Cognitive- Listens attentively to sounds and voices -
4 months
Fine Motor- Looks from object to hands to object
Gross- On tummy, may roll from side to side
Emotional- becomes unresponsive if left alone most of waking hours
Social- Enjoys social aspects of feeing time
Cognitive- makes first consonant sound -
5-6 months
Fine Motor- Transfers objects from one hand to the other, dropping objects often
Gross- On tummy, moves by pushing with legs and reaching with arms.
Emotional- May begin to show fearful behavior as separateness is felt
Social- Smiles at familiar faces and stares solemnly at strangers
Cognitive-can recognize people by their voices -
7 - 8 months
Fine Motor- Learns pincer grasp, using just the thumb and forefinger
Gross- Crawls
Emotional- Begins to have a sense of humor
Social- Definitely prefers caregiver to strangers
Cognitive- May say “mama” or “dada” but does not connect words with parents -
9 months
Fine Motor- Uses index fingers to point, lead, and poke
Gross-May try to crawl up stairs
Emotional- May show fear of heights
Social- performs for others, respects act if applauded
Cognitive- Responds appropriately to a few specific words -
10 months
Fine Motor- Can release grasped object instead of dropping it
Gross- Like to walk holding caregiver’s hands
Emotional- Expresses delights, happiness, sadness, discomfort, and anger
Social- Is more aware of and sensitive to other children
Cognitive- likes to look at pictures in a book -
11 months
Fine Motor- May carry spoon to mouth in feeding attempt
Gross- Stands alone
Emotional- Recognizes the difference between being good and being naughty
Social- Likes to say “no” and shake head to get response from a caregiver
Cognitive- Speaks first recognizable word -
12 months
Fine Motor- May show preference for one hand
Gross- Climbs up and down stairs
Emotional- Shows increased negativism. May have tantrums
Social- like to practice communication with adults
Cognitive- Begins to find familiar objects that are not in view but have permanent locations