Language Milestones

By Tarn20
  • 0-3 Months (USE)

    0-3 Months (USE)
    Prefers infant-directed speech to adult-directed speech. Begins to attend to social partners
    Example: Kaleb likes his mom's high pitch voice.
  • 0-3 Months (FORM)

    0-3 Months (FORM)
    Discriminates languages from different rhythmic classes
    Example: Kaleb produces cooing sounds.
  • 0-3 Months (CONTENT)

    0-3 Months (CONTENT)
    Looks toward the sources of sound and startles in response to loud sounds.
    Example: Kaleb pays more attention to mom when she is speaking.
  • Period: to


  • 3-6 Months (USE)

    3-6 Months (USE)
    Kaleb has started to recognize his own name being called. For example, whenever Kaleb's parents say his name he will turn his head towards them. This will also prompt him to fix his gaze on the faces of his parents.
  • 3-6 Months (FORM)

    3-6 Months (FORM)
    Kaleb has began to differentiate languages in the same rhythmic class by producing vowel sounds, squeals, growls, and etc. For example, whenever Kaleb is excited he squeals loudly.
  • 3-6 Months (CONTENT)

    3-6 Months (CONTENT)
    Kale has began to form object categories. For example, Kaleb has began to place his toy blocks in their own group away from his other toys.
  • 6-9 Months (FORM)

    6-9 Months (FORM)
    At 6-9 months children start to babble (reduplicates, variegated)
    Kaleb started using reduplicated babbling.
    Ex: Her most common pairs of babbling are "ma ma ma" and sometimes says "da da da."
  • 6-9 Months ( CONTENT)

    6-9 Months ( CONTENT)
    At age 6-9 months, a child starts to look in the correct place for objects out of sight and searches for partially hidden objects.
    Kaleb has started to look at her cat when her cat is mentioned.
    Ex: She has started to understand when she is being told "no."
  • 6-9 Months (USE)

    6-9 Months (USE)
    At the age of 6-8 months, a child starts to use preverbal language functions: attention-seeking, requesting, greeting, transferring, protesting or rejecting, responding or acknowledging, and informing. Kaleb has started to reject/deny food or toys when he doesn't want them. He will push it away if you try to give it to him.
    Ex: When his parents were trying to feed him pees he would close his mouth and push the plate away.
  • 9-12 Months (USE)

    9-12 Months (USE)
    By the 9-12 month age the child begins to use intentional communication. This may be shown by requesting, greeting, rejecting, responding, etc. They will also begin to use imperative pointing and might utter their first true word. Example: Kaleb will point at objects that he wants while gesturing to his parents. He will point at the counter when he is thirsty.
  • 9-12 Months (FORM)

    9-12 Months (FORM)
    At this age range, the child's phonology will be able to distinguish between native and nonnative phonotactic patterns. They will no longer discriminate between 2 allophones of the same phoneme, and they will be able to identify function words in utterances. Example: Kaleb started using jargon words like "Ah-ha". He likes to look at his picture books and "read" them. He is able to mix in some actual words such as mom and dad.
  • 9-12 Months ( CONTENT)

    9-12 Months ( CONTENT)
    The child will look in the correct place for objects out of their sight. they can understand rational actions as means to a goal, and they can understand 5-10 words. they might also produce their first word at this point. Example: Kaleb says the word "baby" when we were at the mall.
  • 16-20 Months- Form (phonology, morphology & syntax)

    16-20 Months- Form (phonology, morphology & syntax)
    *Pronounces about 25% of all words intelligibly
    *Uses negation(no)
    *33% of all utterances cosist of single nouns
    *Has an MLU of about 1.31
    *Is in Brown's stage 1
    Example: Kaleb's mom wanted him to wear tennis shoes and he said "no momma".
    Kaleb's family went to the ranch where there was a horse. Kaleb says "orse".
    Kaleb was drinking juice and ran out so he said "more juice".
  • 16-20 Months -Content (semantics)

    16-20 Months -Content (semantics)
    *Uses between 3 and 20 words
    Example: Kaleb and Dad are talking and dad ask where are your toes and Kaleb points to his feet and wiggles his toes.
  • 16-20 Months - Use (pragmatics)

    16-20 Months - Use (pragmatics)
    Uses verbal turn-taking.
    Example: Kaleb's sister Khloe tries to take his tractor and he says "no mine".
  • Period: to


  • 20-24 Months - Form (Phonology, Morphology, & Syntax)

    20-24 Months - Form (Phonology, Morphology, & Syntax)
    Kaleb has started to process the spoken words that his parents say to him. For example, Kaleb understands it when his parents tell him, "Great job!".
    Kaleb also has started including grammatical morphemes in his language. For example, Kaleb uses the present progressive -ing, when he says, "mommy smiling" or "doggy playing".
  • 20-24 Months - Content (Semantics)

    20-24 Months - Content (Semantics)
    Kaleb has started speaking 50 words and has included verbs and adjectives to his vocabulary. For example, Kaleb says phrases using verbs/adjectives like, "I jump on my bed" or "my toy car is fast"
  • 20-24 Months - Use (Pragmatics)

    20-24 Months - Use (Pragmatics)
    Kaleb has started to use two-gesture combinations. For example, Kaleb points to his sippy cup while he pretends to drink it to signify that he wants his cup.
  • 24-28 Months - Form (Phonology, Morphology, & Syntax)

    24-28 Months - Form (Phonology, Morphology, & Syntax)
    Begins using two-word combinations, Uses prepositions in and on, Uses plural and possessive morphemes and some irregular past tense verbs, has an MLU of about 1.92, Is in Brown's Stage III, Uses present progressive, morpheme -ing with mastery.
    Pronounces about 70% of all words intelligibly, Demonstrates phonological processes.
    Example: Kaleb has mastered using present progressive morpheme -ing. He mentioned in a sentence that the horse was running really fast.
  • 24-28 Months - Content (Semantics)

    24-28 Months - Content (Semantics)
    Comprehends approximately 500 words and produces about 200 words. Overgeneralizes about one-third of all new words. Attends to sentence structure when interpreting new words
    Example: Kaleb referred to himself by name. When asked what is your name he said "Kaleb." Kaleb is overgeneralizing about 1/3 of new words. He uses categorical overextension when referring to all liquids like apple juice. He also tends to call most family members all "mom" and "dad."
  • 24-28 Months - Use (Pragmatics)

    24-28 Months - Use (Pragmatics)
    Begins to use imaginative, heuristic, and informative language functions.
    Introduces and changes discussion topics, engages in short dialogues.
    Example: Kaleb was able to stay on topic when talking about playdough and responds in short responses. After talking about playdough with his mom he was quick to change the topic about something that he saw when playing outside.
  • 28-32 Months - Form (Phonology, Morphology, & Syntax)

    28-32 Months - Form (Phonology, Morphology, & Syntax)
    The child should be able to pronounce about 70% of all words intelligibly. They should be at stage lll of the Brown's stages of development chart and they should be using present progressive morpheme -ing with mastery. Ex: Kaleb points at a squirrel and says " look the squirrel is running."
  • 28-32 Months - Content (Semantics)

    28-32 Months - Content (Semantics)
    The child will overgeneralize about 1/3 of all new words. They will attend to sentence structure when interpreting new words. Ex: Kaleb started to ask more questions. He's has grown a custom of asking "why?" a lot.
  • 28-32 Months -Use (Pragmatics)

    28-32 Months -Use (Pragmatics)
    The child should be able to engage in short dialogues and introduce and change discussion topics. Ex: Kaleb is now able to verbally request his basic need such as food and water. He started to imitate his parent's conversations; behavior and will pretend to talk on the phone.
  • 32-36 Months -Use (Pragmatics)

    32-36 Months -Use (Pragmatics)
    Clarifies and requests clarification during conversations
    Example: Kaleb ask "can I go brush my teeth"?
  • 32-36 Months - Form (Phonology, Morphology, & Syntax)

    32-36 Months - Form (Phonology, Morphology, & Syntax)
    Suppresses most common phonological processes by this age.
    Pronounces about 80% of all words intelligibly
    Uses some contractions
    25% of all utterances consist of single nouns and 25% consist of single verbs
    Has an MLU of about 2.85-3.16 Example. Kaleb said "oh no the tractor fell over"
    Example: Kaleb said "I want you to play with me and all my horses.
  • 32-36 Months - Content (Semantics)

    32-36 Months - Content (Semantics)
    Comprehends approximately 900 words
    Produce approximately 500 words
    Ask simple questions
    Example: Kaleb asked his mom "why is that blue" and "why is the horse laying down"?
  • Period: to


  • 36-40 Months-Form (Phonology, Syntax and Morphology)

    36-40 Months-Form (Phonology, Syntax and Morphology)
    Begins to develop shallow phonological awareness abilities
    Uses four to five words in sentences
    Uses compound sentences with and Example: Kaleb told his brother he wanted to ride horses and rope cows.
    Example: Kaleb recognizes at the store that "boy" and "toy" rhymes.
    Example: Kaleb noticed at Halloween that candy and his name started with the same sound.
  • 36-40 Months- Use(pragmatics)

    36-40 Months- Use(pragmatics)
    Begins to engage in longer dialogues
    Example: Kaleb told his mom he had to brush his teeth before bed and explained why.
  • 36-40 Months-Content(semantics)

    36-40 Months-Content(semantics)
    Uses pronouns such as they, them, us
    Continues to use fast mapping to learn new words
    Example: While Kaleb's mom was looking for her keys Kaleb said "They are over here mom!"
  • 40-44 Months- Content(Semantics)

    40-44 Months- Content(Semantics)
    Kaleb has started to understand relational terms. For example, Kaleb has began to differentiate between "big" and "small". He also has learned to differentiate between "open" and "close".
  • 40-44 Months-Use(Pragmatics)

    40-44 Months-Use(Pragmatics)
    Kaleb has started to use conversational repairs in his language. For example, Kaleb has began using "interrogatives" as a conversational repair, "what color are my shoes?".
  • 40-44 Months- Form(Phonology, Syntax and Morphology

    40-44 Months- Form(Phonology, Syntax and Morphology
    Kaleb has continued to refine his articulatory skills. For example, Kaleb continues to say certain words like, "dog", "car", "truck", and etc. to clearly articulate his words. Kaleb has also began to use pronouns consistently in his language. For example, Kaleb will say pronouns whenever he is explaining something about himself or others, "I am going outside", or "They were eating".
  • 44-48 Months-Form(Phonology, Syntax and Morphology)

    44-48 Months-Form(Phonology, Syntax and Morphology)
    The child has mastered most consonants and Uses articles, past tense consistently and contractions consistently.
    For the first time, Kaleb produced “slime” correctly. Before, he would change the first sound to /l/ which would turn into "lime."
    -At the pet store, Kaleb said “can I pet the dog” and “I want a “dog”
    -Kaleb told his grandparents on facetime, “it rained yesterday”
    -Kaleb is able to produce 4 to 7-word sentences. He told his dad, “I like eating cookies after dinner.”
  • 44-48 Months-Use(Pragmatics)

    44-48 Months-Use(Pragmatics)
    Understands interests requests accompanied by nonverbal pointing.
    Example- Kaleb's mom said "can someone get me that" while pointing at a spoon but not mentioning the spoon and he was able to understand.
    Kaleb engaged in three conversational turns while talking to his sister about the movie Toy Story. Kaleb said, “I want to watch Toy Story .” His sister replied, “no." Kaleb responds, “I love Toy Story, I love forky.” His sister says, “I like Frozen better.” Kaleb replies, “ We can watch later”
  • 44-48 Months-Content(Semantics)

    44-48 Months-Content(Semantics)
    Understanding some kinship terms
    Uses syntactic information to narrow the possible meanings of new words.
    When Kaleb heard his sister crying he asked, “did Peyton hurt herself?”
    -When Kaleb saw a person riding a motorcycle, he said “look at that bike.”
    -Addy overheard his sister say “this is my ruffle shirt” and was able to determine that “ruffle” was an adjective.
    - Kaleb told his dad, “I want to go with uncle Rob and auntie Kim.”
  • 48-52 Months-Form(Phonology,Syntax and Morphology)

    48-52 Months-Form(Phonology,Syntax and Morphology)
    Decreases use of phonological processes
    Combines four to seven words in sentences
    Uses contractible auxiliaries and uncontractible
    Uses irregular third person verbs Example: Kaleb says " I love riding my horse down the road"
    Example: Kaleb says "My mom has a lot of shoes".
  • 48-52 Months-Use(Pragmatics)

    48-52 Months-Use(Pragmatics)
    Uses interpretive, logical, and organizing functions
    Constructs true narratives
    Example: Kaleb has a conversation with his dad. Kaleb says: I like ice age" Dad says " why do you like it" Kaleb responds with " I love all the animals but mostly sid the sloth"
  • 48-52 Months-Content(Semantics)

    48-52 Months-Content(Semantics)
    Overextends new words on the basis of object function
    Uses animacy information to infer the meanings of new words
    Uses reflexive pronouns such as himself, herself, itself. Example: When Kaleb is playing with his sister he asked "what is your favorite game sissy"
    Example: Kaleb says " Why is brother playing by himself?"
  • 52-56 Months-Form(Phonology, Syntax and Morphology)

    52-56 Months-Form(Phonology, Syntax and Morphology)
    At this time the child is very intelligible in connected speech and has mastered almost all consonant sounds, but they might not have mastered in all contexts. They will use coordination and subordination in their sentences and start using irregular plural forms consistently. Example: Kaleb is talking about his friends " I'm four but maggie is almost 5, she's old." "I'm going to go play outside with the chickens>"
  • 52-56 Months-Use(Pragmatics)

    52-56 Months-Use(Pragmatics)
    At this age, the child should start using indirect requests.
    Example: " Do you know why dad isn't here yet." "do you know where my to tractor is?" he has also shown awareness of other people's speech capabilities and trying to modify his speech to match theirs.
  • 52-56 Months-Content(Semantics)

    52-56 Months-Content(Semantics)
    At this age, the child will start to use "what do, what does, what did" questions. They will also start using up to 1500+ words and start fast mapping.
    Example: Kaleb starts asking family members " what did you do today?" whenever he comes home from school. He is able to identify and correctly pick which animal is a gecko when ask to point to it when looking at a cow, dog, dinosaur, and gecko.
  • 56-60 Months - Form (Phonology, Syntax, and Morphology)

    56-60 Months - Form (Phonology, Syntax, and Morphology)
    Kaleb has began to learn and know the letters that make up his own name. For example, Kaleb knows that the letters, "k,a,l,e,b", makes up his name, "Kaleb".
  • 56-60 Months - Content (Semantics)

    56-60 Months - Content (Semantics)
    Kaleb has started to use between 1,500 - 2,000 words in his language. He also has started to use deictic terms like, “this”, “here” or “there. For example, Kaleb says phrases like, “There’s my toy” or “My book is in here”.
  • 56-60 Months - Use (Pragmatics)

    56-60 Months - Use (Pragmatics)
    Kaleb has started to use narratives. For example, Kaleb uses personal narratives to describe an event, “Guess what I did today at school? I made a paper airplane”.