1 Month
Fine Motor Skills- keeps hands fisted tightly
Gross Motor Skills- lifts head briefly from the surface in order to turn heads from side to side
Cognitive Skills- prefers to look at human faces and patterned objects
Social Skills- makes eye contact
Emotional Skills- recognizes a parents voice -
Social Skills
makes eye contact -
Fine motor skills
grasps things reflexivly -
2-3 Months
Fine Motor Skills- grasps object in reflex movements
Gross Motor Skills- can move arms and legs together
Cognitive Skills- coordinates eye movements
Social Skills- looks at a person alertly and directly
Emotional Skills- tries to attract attention from caregiver -
Emotional Skills
expresses delight -
4 Months
Fine Motor Skills- looks from object to hands to object
Gross Motor Skills- swipes at objects slowly improving aim
Cognitive Skills- makes first consonant sounds (p, b, m, l)
Social Skills- enjoys social aspects of feeding time
Emotional Skills- expresses delight -
5 Months
Fine Motor Skills- grabs objects with either hand
Gross Motor Skills- reaches for objects
Cognitive Skills- recognizes and responds to own name
Social Skills- may be able to play peek-a-boo game
Emotional Skills- builds trust when cries are answered -
Gross motor skills
reaches for objects -
6 Months
Fine Motor Skills- learns to drop an object at will
Gross Motor Skills- rolls from back to tummy
Cognitive Skills- varies volume, pitch, and rate while babbling
Social Skills- enjoys playing with children
Emotional Skills- responds to affection -
Emotional Skills
responds to affection -
7 Months
Fine Motor Skills- Fingers, manipulates, and rattles object repeatedly
Gross Motor Skills- crawls awkwardly
Cognitive Skills- anticipates events
Social Skills- shows desire for social contacts
Emotional Skills- begins to have a sense of humor -
Cognitive Skills
anticipates events -
8 Months
Fine Motor Skills- is able to pick up small objects
Gross Motor Skills- crawls
Cognitive Skills- likes to empty and fill containers
Social Skills- is more aware of social approval and disapproval
Emotional Skills- exhibits fear of strangers -
Fine motor skills
is able to pick up small objects -
9 Months
Fine Motor Skills- uses index finger to point
Gross Motor Skills- stands alone
Cognitive Skills- responds appropriately to a few specific words
Social Skills- likes to play games like patty cake
Emotional Skills- may show fear of heights -
Gross motor skills
is able to stand alone -
10-12 Months
Fine Motor Skills- likes to grasp feeding utensils
Gross Motor Skills- climbs
Cognitive Skills- speaks first recognizable word
Social Skills- may not always be cooperative
Emotional Skills- shows increasing negativism -
Fine motor skills
is able to use utensils