Birth- 1 month
Fine Motor skills- keep hands fisted or slightly open
Cognitive skills – listens attentively to sound and voices
Social- recognizes a parent’s voice
Gross motor- Moves reflexively -
1 month
Emotional- reacts to discomfort and pain but crying for assistance -
2-3 months
Fine motor skills – grasps objects in reflex movements, but grasp are becoming voluntary.
Gross motor skills –shows active body movements
Cognitive skills – discovers hands and feet as an extinction to self
Emotional skills – shows feelings of security when held or talked to. -
Social skills – looks at person alertly and directly. Prefer to look at people over objects. -
Fine motor skills – begins to use mitten grasp for grabbing objects near the hands.
Gross motor skills- can maintain the sitting position for several mantises is giving proper support.
Cognitive –likes to repeat enjoyable acts like shaking a rattle.
Social skills – show increase pleasure in social interactions -
Emotional skills – may for attachment to one special object -
5-6 months
Fine motor skills –holds objects in both hands
Gross motor skills – is able to stand while supported
Cognitive skills – studies object intently , turning them to see all sides
Emotional skills –respond to affection and may imitate signs of affection -
Social skills – enjoys playing with children -
Fine motor skills- keep object in hand most of the time
Cognitive skills- produce gestures to communicate. Points to desired object
Emotional skills – exhibits fear of strangers
Social skills- begins to have a sense of humor -
7-8 months
Gross motor skills – likes to bounce while in standing position -
Fine motor skills – uses index finger to point, lead and poke
Gross motor skills – may try to crawl up stairs
Social skills – likes to play games like pat – a –cake
Emotional skills – may show a fear of new sounds -
Cognitive skills –likes to look for contents in containers -
Fine motor skills – can release grasped objects instead of dropping it
Cognitive – likes to look at pictures in a book
Social skills – is more aware of and sensitive to other children
Emotional skills – cries lees often -
Gross motor skills – is able to take off shoes and socks -
Fine motor skills- may show preference for one hand
Gross motor skills – walks with one hand held
Cognitive- speaks first recognizable word
Social skills – enjoys playing with siblings -
Emotional skills – shows increased negativism. May have tantrums