Period: to
Baby's Life
Expressing discomfort or unhappiness by crying -
First Month
Lifts head and turns it from one side to the other when placed on stomach -
Second month
Watches objects moved about 6 inches away from face -
Shown by smiling, laughing, and giggling -
Social Development 2 - 3 months
Begins to smile and show excitement -
Watch their mother very closely -
Third Month
Brings hands together -
Fourth Month
Puts hands in mouth -
Show anger through crying -
Social Development 4 - 6 months
Laughs, squels, and babbles -
Fifth Month
Reaches out and grabs toys -
Show dislikes very clearly -
Sixth Month
Puts objects to mouth with hand -
Seventh Month
Stands with assistance -
Intellectual Development 7 - 8 months
Sort objects by size -
Eighth Month
Pulls self up to standing -
Ninth Month
Uses index finger to poke -
Social Development 9 - 10 months
Crawls around to look for parents -
Shown by startling, turning away, and screaming, especially in response to strangers -
Intellectual Development 9 - 10 months
Looks for dropped objects -
Intellectual Development 9 - 10 months
Takes objects out of containers and puts them back in -
Tenth Month
Crawls well -
Social Development 11 - 12 months
Spends time looking in mirrors -
Eleventh Month
Walks while holding onto furniture -
Intellectual Development 11 - 12 months
Can point to and identify objects in books -
Twelfth Month
Holds and drinks from cup