Developmental Psychology

  • Infancy: Cognitive Development

    I had this favorite teal blue rocking chair that I liked to sit in everyday at home. One day my mother took it outside to clean and she said I threw a fit about that chair. I tried sitting me on the couch but I did not want it because it was not my rocking chair. This is when my cognitive development started.
  • Infancy: Language

    My first was mama. My mother was surprise because she said I was more of a father's girl than mother's girl.
  • Infancy: Physical Development

    I began walking a one year old. My mother said I was a lazy baby and did not even want to crawl.
  • Early Childhood: Biological Development

    I started my menstrual cycle at the age of 7. My mom did not freak out as much since most of the women in our family started off early as a child.
  • Early Childhood: Language

    My mother found at around the age of 6 or 7 that I was a gifted child. I took some type of IQ test and scored roughly above average than any normal kid.
  • Early Childhood: Emotional Development

    My mother was not the type to talk about emotions due to the passing of my father in 1996. I usually just kept my emotions to myself and still do now.
  • Early Childhood: Social Development

    When I started puberty early, I did not expect me as a person to change. I was quiet because girls my age did not start as early. I felt more an outcast to people and that was ok with me.
  • Middle to Late Childhood: Emotional Development

    I use the piano as stress reliever. I found it very relaxing to play classical music.
  • Middle to Late Childhood: Physical Development

    My fine motor skills improve at between the ages of 8-10. I played city league softball and it was a very fun experience as a child. Also, I started to take piano lessons to help my granddaddy in church. That also required good motor schools and memory.
  • Middle to Late Childhood: Cognitive Development

    My first memories that I started to remember was being with my mother and siblings at the beach when I was 5. I got those memories by looking at some beach pictures at school.
  • Adolescence: Language

    I did not have many good friends to use different dialect.
  • Adolescence: Emotional Development

    My attachment to my mother increase over the years. She was the only parent that I had left and she showed her love for me as much as she could without showing all her worryness and stress.
  • Adolescence: Social Development

    Growing up, I experience a lot of death. I really do not know how to cope or feel for death. My mother said since I young when my father died that I was not able to experience death as I should.
  • Adolescence: Adolescence

    I notice a decline in my eye senses as I was getting older in high school. That was one of my main senses that had started to decline. Biologically, a lot of diseases and medical problems runs on both sides of my family.
  • Early Adulthood: Physical

    My health decline drastically after high school. I had a few surgeries that I had to get done and discovered new diseases about myself. Some has affected me for the worse but I am trying to take control over my health to get back healthy.
  • Early Adulthood: Identity Development

    I would consider myself as identity moratorium because I do not understand myself as person yet but I am trying to find myself. I feel like I have to found my true calling in life.
  • Early Adulthood: Identity Development

    I feel like the Big Five Personality test did not explain me as I think it should. I feel more reserve in real life and it did not show in the test.
  • Early Adulthood: Emotional Development

    I feel like attachment is good to talk about in the early adulthood. My mother is getting older and I found that our relationship is getting stronger by the day.