Born in Seymour, Victoria, Australia. -
Infancy: Physical Development
+When did I start walking?
I began to walk at around 12 months old, I would often follow my older brother around the house, as I was always curious to what he was doing. -
Infancy: Cognitive Development
+Provide an example from your life that demonstrates at least one concept related to Piaget's stages of cognitive development.
Supposedly I would always spit my dummy out and suck on my thumb. -
Move to Townsville
Infancy: Emotional Development
+Were you securely or insecurely attached to your primary caregiver?
Our mother and father were both in the military, our mother would stay at home to take care of my brother and I when we were born. Our father would go on exercise sometimes for a few weeks, in the early years we perceived mum as the primary caregiver, which she was. As we got older they both became primary caregivers to us. From a young age I was securely attached to both of my parents. -
Infancy: Emotional Development
+What was my temperament like as a baby?
My parents have told me that I was always a happy and curious child, constantly walking up to strangers to see what they were doing. I'd go missing in the grocery store every now and then because I wanted to look at everything possible. Sorry mum! -
Move to Manly West
Start Preschool
Early Childhood: Physical Development
+How often did you get physical exercise? What sort of activities did you do? What were your feelings regarding them?
My brother and I were always outside until dark. We would be outside until mum called us in for dinner. We would play every sport possible including Australian football, soccer, cricket, basketball. Also riding bikes, roller blading, and more than anything skateboarding. I loved being outside doing activities, I would think of games to play with my brother when I was in school. -
Early Childhood: Physical Development
+Gross Motor/ Fine Motor skills used.
Tightening the nuts by hand onto the trucks of the skateboard to hold the wheels in place. Tightening the nuts onto the trucks using a wrench involving muscles in my arms. -
Start Primary School
Move to Brisbane
Early Childhood: Cognitive Development
+What sort of interests did you have as a young child?
Playing outside with my brother or my mates, either sports in the backyard or bike riding around town. -
Early Childhood: Emotional Development
+How did family and friends/ teachers describe you as a child? Was this the same or different from your infant temperament?
Generally they would all picture me as the happy kid. Teachers would often say on my report cards "Joel is the social one, if only he applied himself to school work the way he does to socialize he will have a great future". Pretty much the same temperament as when I was an infant. -
Early Childhood: Cognitive Development
+Provide an example from your life that demonstrates at least one concept related to Piaget's stages of cognitive development.
I would look at sporting teams logos to remember what type's of animal they were. It took me a while to remember them without always relating it back to sport. -
Early Childhood: Cognitive Development
+What is one way you remember your parents and/or a teacher acting in a way that you know now helped your language acquisition?
In Australia, there is an area in Sydney called Circular Quay (Key), I would always sound words out how there spelt. So I would say Circular Kway. The would explain that some words in language sound different to hear they appear. -
Middle Childhood: Cognitive Development
+Describe an experience that made you aware of a certain concept of intelligence? What was this concept of intelligence?
How did this affect the way you thought about intelligence and yourself?
In particular, the turn of the century made me realize that I was going to be alive to remember a historical event. The Y2K. At the time I watched the news about everything going to crash, and was scared at the time. After everything was Ok, I learnt that you can't believe everything you see or hear. -
Move to Wodonga
Middle & Late Childhood: Physical Development
+Did you use gross or fine motor skills for these activities?
I had always played sports so I would always be using both skills. Whatever sport it was I would play it, in particular Australian Football. -
Middle & Late Childhood: Cognitive Develpoment
+Tell a story from your life that demonstrates one concept of Piaget's stages of Cognitive Development.
I would pay attention to people more, and understand that all people are going through different things in their lives and I should never judge a book by its cover. -
Start High School
Middle & Late Childhood: Cognitive Development
+Describe an experience that made you aware of a certain concept of intelligence.
I would always try help people out and use to truly believe in "treat people how you would like to be treated", I learnt pretty quickly that that isn't always the case, and to not take everything so serious or personally, even if it was. -
Adolescence: Cognitive Development
+Tell a story from your life that demonstrates one concept of Piaget's stages of Cognitive Development.
I would get into mischief around the city with my mates. There was one day I remember seeing on TV that there were a few destructive behaviors teens were committing and getting in plenty of trouble. I was never afraid about being in trouble with authorities or anything, it was being in trouble from my parents, I didn't want to disappoint, so I pulled my socks up. -
Adolescence: Physcial Development
+How often did you get physical exercise? What kinds of activities did you do? What was your attitude towards exercise?
Physical activity everyday. I would play Australian Football, Cricket, Soccer, Waterpolo, Surf, Skate, etc.
I loved it, being outside all day and night, then coming home exhausted and having the best sleeps ever. -
Adolescence: Physcial Development
+Did you develop early or late compared to your peers and do you think that had an effect on you?
I was always taller than my peers, it definitely helped being tall, I would be the kid to stick up for the smaller kids against the bullies. This has been a trait I've always carried throughout my life. To be a protector. -
Move to Melbourne
Adolescence: Emotional Development
+How would Sternberg have described your most important relationship in adolescence?
Because I was an Army brat, I had moved around to 1 city and 4 country towns by the age of 18. I had to adapt to every place I moved to, Sternberg stated on intelligence "Intelligent behavior involves adapting to your environment, changing your environment, or selecting a better environment." -
Graduate High School
Early Adulthood: Physcial Development
+How often did you get physical exercise? What sort of activities do you do? What are your feelings towards exercise?
Started punting the American Football at the age of 21, I would be outside on the field most days of the week. I was excited for the future opportunity to play college football. -
Early Adulthood: Cognitive Development
+Tell a story from your life that demonstrates one of Piaget's concepts from the stages of cognitive development.
During these years my personal belief is that things happen for a reason, and I should always be on my pursuit of happiness. There are a lot of things that I feel I 'have to do' at this point, I do try keep positive about everything I do, but can be challenging at times. -
Move to California
Early Adulthood: Emotional Development
+How would you describe your current closest relationship right now?
My current closest relationship would be with my housemate Nick. He is also on the Football team, so we spend a lot of the day with each other. -
Move to Alabama
Early Adulthood: Emotional Development
+What classification of Sternberg's relationship triangle is most appropriate for your relationship now?