Steam Engine
Thomas Savery created the steam engine in 1793 , it was used for heat and direction.During the industrail revolution most things were powered by the steam. This invention could be found in the United States , it was also the first non-mobile method of applying non-human power. -
Flying Shuttle
John Kay created the steam engine in 1733 , it was an invention that helped weave yarn faster.This was found in England and France.It could wave any fabric faster then any other human or machine. -
Claude Chape created the telegraph in 1791 , it was a system that transmits information by encoded singal across a distance.This invention could be found in France to the United States.It could contact others which changed commucation throughout the industrial revolution. -
Cotton Gin
Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin in 1793.The cotton gin helped speprate the cotton from its seed.The cotton gin was needed to help produce more cotton because an averge larbor could only produce one pound a day while the cotton gin produced fivetity pounds a day.This invention was found in cotton factories.The cotton gin changed society by producing more cotton.