Industrial Revolution Timeline

  • Spinning Machine

    Spinning Machine
    Spins cotton into workable threads or yarn. Was created by Samuel Slater.
  • Steamboat

    John Fitch decided to create his own model of a steamboat and in 1791 won a patent battle.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    It was invented in America by Eli Whitney. It made the process of harvesting cotton much easier.
  • Clock

    Eli Terry created his version of the clock which would be widely used.
  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    The first steam engine was created by Oliver Evans. It was first showed running 12 saws which took 12 hours to cut through 100 feet of marble. His version was mobile.
  • Gameboard

    Milton Bradley created the first gameboard as "The Checkered Game of Life."
  • Telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell created the first ever telephone. Fun fact - He suggested that the official greeting term to be used was "Ahoy" everyone else went with "hello." Alexander still answered the phone with "ahoy" until his death.
  • Aluminum

    Charles Martin Hall created an inexpensive way to produce Aluminum.
  • Alternating currents

    Alternating currents
    Nikola Tesla improved others methods at producing althernating currects
  • Radio

    Was created by Guglielmo Marconi and was able to produce transmissions