james watt
he was a scottish inventor, and mechanical engineer, and chemist who was given credit for the steam engine. he helped revolutionize the world and the way we use energy. -
during the industrial revolution factories started to take the world by storm so people were forced to go to work in these factories so they lost alot of independence working set times, being told when to take a lunch break, and when they had a day off. -
spinning jenny
this invention was invented by james hargreaves this was used for weaving and like the cotton gin was also very dangerous. this was used to make blankets, and clothes. and was usually controled by woman in a factory. -
cotton gin
the cotton gin was a invention made to sparate cotton from the seeds, slaves used these tools. these tools were harmful to use. eli whitney was given credit for this invention. -
charles darwin
he was a english naturalist, geologist, and biologist best known for his contributions to the science of evolution. his proposition that all species of life have descended over time by common ancestors. -
a group of people coming together to create a company, authorized by a state to act as a single entinty. contributed a huge part of a nations economy.examples, railroads, banks, steel, refining oil, and meat packing and manufacturing. -
karl marx
was a german philosopher, economist, historian, etc. was known for his theory abot capitalism and communism. he supported thos who were poor and didnt really have a voice or say. -
this invention changed how we powered mechines, it transformed mechanical energy into electrical energy. it was the first generator of its time. created by michael faraday. -
alfred nobel
he was a sweedish businessman, chemist, enginneer, ect. he held 355 different patents, dynamite being the most famous. the nobel piece prize was named after him. -
thomas edison
american inventor, and businessman who has been described as americas greatest inventor he developed electric energy, and mass communication ect. and it given credit for motion picture. -
communism was transformed from the socialist movement in the 19th century in central europe. anyone who worked under a communist country was working in dangerous conditions and worked often. -
the wright brothers are given credit for this invention. there first flight was in 1903 with flight they ushered in the age of flight. the airplane allowed people to get to another country across the world in less than a day. -
assembly line
Henry ford is given credit for inventing the assembly line. it is used to mass produce parts. people are set to different work stations and put the same parts onto other pieces all day. -
social democracy
this is a political, social, and economic philosophy that supports economic and social interventions to promote social injustice within the liberal democratic polity and a capitalist oriented economy -
henry ford was one of the most notable when it comes to the automobile industry his creation of the automobile was a big part of life and changed it forever. it not only got us were we need to go faster, but it alowed people to go see different parts of the country