Industrial Revolution Timeline

  • Steam Engines

    Steam Engines
    James Watt created the Steam Engine. It was the first of it's kind, and was soon also put into cars. This was an important invention becasue without it, there would be no transportation industry.
  • Factory System

    Factory System
    Samuel Slater created thr first factory. It was originally made to make large ammounts of yarn, but then Slater realized that he could mass-produce with these new factory systems.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    Eli Whitney was a Cotton farmer, He was tired of picking out the Cotton seeds by hand. Se he decided to created the Cotton Gin. This revolutionized the world. The Cotton Gin could take all of the cotton that the farmers had harvested and take all the seeds out in a fraction of the old time.
  • Interchangeable Parts

    Interchangeable Parts
    Eli Whitney is at it again! He realized that if there were the same parts on guns, then they could make more than just 1 at a time. This was a huge success, and helped make pistols a lot faster.
  • Steamboats

    Robert Fulton realized that water travel had become very popular, so he decided to make a boat that can carry cargo and passengers at the same time! Thus, the Steamboat was born.
  • Lowell Mills

    Lowell Mills
    Francis Cabot Lowell was a genius. He made a place where "man and machine were under the same roof. " and this proved to be very useful for the industry.
  • Erie Canals

    Erie Canals
    Benjamin Wright created an easy to travel through water way. This is not of nature itself, he carved the Canals out of the Earth.
  • National Roads

    National Roads
    The National Government created the first ever Highway. It was made to travel through the States quicker, and also safer. When on the highway, there were less dangers than any other route across the land.
  • Telegraph

    Samuel F.B. Morse created this invention. People had been using mail for centuries, and have to wait months for their letters. Not anymore! Mr, Morse created a system of clicks and sounds which can be translated to letters of the alphabet. This was a major success, and started the Technology Industry. (Morse is also who created Morse Code)
  • Steel Plow

    Steel Plow
    John Deere was a farming guru! He made this invention to be able to farm on land, even if it is clay-like. This proved to be worth every cent, and it started the Lawn Care Industry
  • Spinning Jenny

    Spinning Jenny
    Elias Howe was a big clothes maker. He was tired of sewing clothes by hand, and he decided to try something. Then, after long hard work, the Spinning Jenny was made.
  • Sewing Machine

    Sewing Machine
    Soon, the Spinning Jenny was revolutionized and turned into the Sewing Machine. This had more success, and we still use it to this day.
  • Transcontinental Railroad

    Transcontinental Railroad
    Central Pacific Railroad of California (company) decided to make a Railroad that went across all of the United States. The building took a while, but in 1864 it was finished.