Industrial Revolution Inventions

By Linh N.
  • Steam Engine (Thomas Savery)

    The engine provided a way for travelers to travel to the west, help farmers and traders move goods to the market, and make factories anywhere.
  • Canals (Federal Government)

    Canals made it easier to carry heavy and delicate goods like, coal, iron, brick, glass, and china.
  • Cotton Gin (Eli Whitney)

    It made removing seeds from cotton (plants) easier.
  • Interchangeable Parts (Eli Whitney)

    It allowed unskilled workers to make large numbers of weapons quickly, at lower cost, and made repair and replacement easier.
  • National Road (Federal Government)

    It provided a way for settlers to travel west and farmers and traders could move goods to the east.
  • Mechanical Reaper (Cyrus McCormick)

    This machine was used by farmers to harvest crops mechanically.
  • Steel Plow (John Deere)

    This invention helped break up tough soil without getting soil getting stuck on the plow.
  • Telegraph (Samuel Morse)

    The telegraph revolutionized distance communication .