Industrial revolution 1

Industrial Revolution Inventions

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    Industrial Revolution

  • Jethro Tull's-Seed drill

    Jethro Tull's-Seed drill
    In 1701, Jethro Tull invented the seed drill. This invention allowed farmers to sow seeds in well-spaced rows at specific depths. This boosted crop yeilds and help to feed a growning population. This scientific farmer helped to boost the Agricultural Revolution,
  • John Kay-Flying Shuttle

    John Kay-Flying Shuttle
    John Kay,a machinist invented a shuttle that sped back and forth on wheels. This machine to which yarn was attached doubled the amount of work a weaver could do in a day, This modernized the cotton industry, and had to shorten the long hours a person would have to work.
  • James Hargreaves-Spinning Jenny

    James Hargreaves-Spinning Jenny
    This invention allowed one spinner to work eight threads at a time. This helped the industrial revolution by increasing the output of spinners, and also helped them keep pace with the weaves.
  • James Watt-Improved Steam Engine

    James Watt-Improved Steam Engine
    This improved steam engine worked faster and more efficiently while buring less fuel. Helped to transport goods more efficiently and use less resources and energy,
  • Richard Arkwright- Water Frame

    Richard Arkwright- Water Frame
    The water frame used the water power from rapid streams to drive spinning wheels. They provided a source of energy. Other instruments were worked by hand and this provided less jobs for textile workers. This invention took the work of spinning and weaving out of the house and led to the set up of factories.
  • Samuel Crompton-Spinning Mule

    Samuel Crompton-Spinning Mule
    The spinning mule combined the features of the spinning jenny and water frame to make a powerful invention. The spinning mule made thread that was stronger,finer, and more consistent than earlier machines. It made the products from the spinning mule better so you would have to make less products.
  • Edmund Cartwright- Power Loom

    Edmund Cartwright- Power Loom
    The Power Loom sped up weaving, This set up a machine that also led to factories. They used the sources of water around them such as rivers and streams, so they wouldn't have to spend money on transporting the sources needed to run a large factory,
  • Eli Whitney-Cotton Gin

    Eli Whitney-Cotton Gin
    The Cotton Gin removed seeds from raw cotton, the gin multiplied the amount of cotton that could be cleaned. This impacted the Indrustrial Revolution by increasing the American cotton production from 1.5 million pounds in 1790 to 85 million pounds in 1810.
  • John McAdam - Improved roads

    John McAdam - Improved roads
    McAdam equipped roadbeds with a layer of large stones for drainage. This made heavy wagons able to travel over the new "macadam" roads without sinking into the mud. Roads turned into turnpikes we still use today, and they were operated for profit. Help to improve other transportation with the money from the turnpikes.
  • George Stephenson-railroad line

    George Stephenson-railroad line
    In 1825 Stephenson opened up the first railroad line. It ran 27 miles from Yorkshire coalfields to the port of Stockton on the North Sea. It used four locomotives that helped to move products much faster on the railroads. Wanted to connect the port of loverpool with the city of Manchester.