industrial revolution

  • Interchangeable parts

    Interchangeable parts
    Parts that are meant to be identical to eachother and to fit the same into that part
  • Richard Arkwright

    Richard Arkwright
    He is credited as the driving force behind the development of the spinning frame, known as the water frame after it was adapted to use water power; and he patented a rotary carding engine to convert raw cotton to 'cotton lap' prior to spinning. He was the first to develop factories housing both mechanized carding and spinning operations.
  • James Watt

    James Watt
    improved the the steam engine so it would use less energy and use something similar to a rotary engine and the improved engines ability to pump water.
  • assembly line

    assembly line
    reduced the amount of time it took to make a product and improved the amount of jobs that can be offered and lowered the price of goods cause the rate they could be made.
  • utilitarianism

    Utilitarianism is a version of consequentialism, which states that the consequences of any action are the only standard of right and wrong.
  • cotton gin

    cotton gin
    it used a screen to separate the cotton fiber from the seed and improved how much money a farmer would make
  • Thomas Malthus

    Thomas Malthus
    wrote an essay on the principle of population that describes the human population is increasing and the amount of food we produce is decreasing so at one point the population is going to be greater than the food we produce.
  • socialism

    Socialism is a political philosophy and movement encompassing a range of economic and social systems
  • George Stephenson

    George Stephenson
    British civil engineer and mechanical engineer. Renowned as the "Father of Railways", Stephenson was considered by the Victorians a great example of diligent application and thirst for improvement
  • dynamo

    An electricity generator that creates direct current using electromagnets that use faradays law to create energy into a conductor.
  • communism

    common ownership of everything and everyone gets the same of everything
  • social Darwinism

    social Darwinism
    Social Darwinism refers to various theories and societal practices that purport to apply biological concepts of natural selection and survival of the fittest to sociology economics and politics.
  • Thomas Edison

    Thomas Edison
    An American inventor that had designed the electric power generator, sound recording, motion picture, and the early forms of the lightbulb
  • social gospel

    social gospel
    The Social Gospel is a social movement within Protestantism that aims to apply Christian ethics to social problems.
  • automobile

    German inventor Carl Benz patented his Benz Patent-Motorwagen Cars became widely available during the 20th century. One of the first cars affordable by the masses was the 1908 Model T, an American car manufactured by the Ford Motor Company