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Industrial Revolution

By Kahlil
  • Northern States Industrialize

    Northern States Industrialize
    The North of the united states industrialize and make new inventions
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    The cotton gin made by Eli Whitney in 1794 and cleaned cotton to make getting the seeds out of cotton easier but it required more slaves to plant and harvest cotton as you could clean 100 pounds a day by cotton gin.
  • The Battery

    The Battery
    In 1800 the first true battery was invented by the Italian physicist Alessandro Volta. It could charge multiple things but if a large number of cells were piled, the brine solution of lower piles got squeezed, decreasing current production.
  • The Steam Locomotive(train)

    The Steam Locomotive(train)
    The Steam Locomotive was made in 1802 by Richard Trivithick and made transportation quick and easy. people would often take trains and boats to go somewhere faster and make life easier but it would do incomplete combustion and would not heat properly fuel was lost quicker than normal. this made it more and more useless and better forms were made.
  • Steamboat

    The Steamboat was made in 1807 by Robert Fulton and did not rely on wind to push the boat along. It increased the speed of travel and made it easy.One disadvantage of the steamboat is that the steam engine would accumulate too much pressure and explode. When this happened; everybody on the boat usually died. Another flaw with the not only the steamboat, but any boat, was that they are prone to sinking.
  • 1st Soda Fountain

    1st Soda Fountain
    in 1819 Samuel Fahnestock makes and patents the soda fountain but Mold and Bacteria. Since restaurant workers rarely clean the soda machines, there's most definitely a crap ton of mold in the pipes that your bubbly beverage runs through.
  • The Microphone

    The Microphone
    in 1827 Charles Wheatstone invents the microphone but it also picked up other sounds that were not wanted
  • The Telegraph

    The Telegraph
    The telegraph was made in the 1830s by Samuel Morse to make sending messages quicker and the letter delivery was becoming useless and slow.
  • Mechanical Reaper

    Mechanical Reaper
    The mechanical Reaper was made in 1831 by Cyrus Mcormick and made harvesting grain crops easier but over a period of time, overuse turned the whole region into a dust bowl, leading to terrifying dust storms called 'Black Blizzard' which blinded and choked the people; the animals were suffocated to death.
  • Light Bulb

    Light Bulb
    In Thomas Edison invents the Light bulb,the first electric light. and The electric light bulb has been called the most important invention since man-made fire. The light bulb helped to establish social order after sundown, extended the workday well into the night, and allowed us to navigate and travel safely in the dark. Without the light bulb, there would be no nightlife.