Industrial Revolution

  • Iron

    In 1740, Britain had produced near to 17,000 tons of on iron. This was before the process puddling was developed.
  • Cottage industry

    Cottage industry
    James Hargreaves had invented a machine called the spinning jenny that would produce cloth at a faster rate.
  • Iron Industry

    Iron Industry
    In the 1780s Henry Cort developed a process called puddling.This helped produce better quality iron. Production jumped into nearly 70,000 tons.
  • Steam Engines

    Steam Engines
    James Watt, a Scottish engineer, made changes that enabled the engine to drive machinery. Steam engines were powered by coal, not by water which meant that they did not have to be near water.
  • Iron Production

    Iron Production
    Britain produced almost 3 million tons of iron. That is more iron than the rest of the combined world produced.
  • Improved spinner

    Improved spinner
    It was a water powered loom invented by Edmund Cartwright. The idea of this invention made it possible for the weaving of cloth to catch up with the spinning of thread.
  • Cotton

    The British imported 22 million pounds of cotton, most of it spun on machines.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    Eli Whitney build a machine that makes separating cotton seeds from cotton fiber easier. It helps the southern states make more profit from cotton crops.
  • Telegraph

    The telegraph is invented by Samuel Morse. It allows messages to be sent over wire. Later on, telegraph wires stretch from the east coast of the United States.
  • Sewing machine

    Sewing machine
    Elias Howe invented the sewing machine in 1846. This helped large factories to produce large amounts of clothes.
  • Elevator safety break

    Elevator safety break
    By 1853, elevators were already invented. Yet, people worried about the elevator cars falling. Elisha Otis invents a safety break to prevent them from falling. This made people more confident in using them.
  • Bessemer Method

    Bessemer Method
    Henry Bessemer invents a way to make steel out of iron. This was a quicker and cheaper way which helped the production of building and leads to the growth of cities.