James watt
Scottish inventor, mechanical was an inventor mechanical engineer who made improvements in the steam engine -
George Stephenson
A British civil engineer and mechanical engineer renowned as the father -
Reduces disparity in wealth, not only in deferent areas, but also in all societal ranks and classes. -
Cotton Gin
US born inventor by Eli Whitney. Is a machine that quickly and easily separates cotton fibers from their seeds -
Karl Marx
A German philosopher, economist, historian, sociologist, political theorist, journalist and so much more. -
Michael Faraday utilized his invention toward making many discoveries in electricity generate. -
Alfred Nobel
A British Swedish business man, engineer, inventor and philanthropist. He held 355 different patents. -
Thomas Edison
An American inventor and business man who has been described as America's Greatest Inventor. -
Karl Bernz from Germany- many suggested that he created the first, true automobile in 1885-1886 -
The Wright Brother's were the first ones that made it. December 17, 1903 was the first time it was flown. It was the faster way to get places.