Industrial Revolution- The positive and negative affects and some inventions that made it happen.

  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    Thomas Savery is the inventor of the steam engine, this engine uses steam pressure to mechanically move components in the engine which produces movement. The steam engine was used in many things including trains and boats. The first steam engine locomotive was not invented until 1804.
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    Advanced Production of Goods

    The Industrial Revolution gave birth to mass production. This allowed companies to make more goods at a lower price. Therefore more consumers could afford the product with lowering prices.
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    In the upper class, the rich got richer and accumulated huge wealth. The middle class also improved, it grew larger and people gained a healthier lifestyle. However, the pore stayed about the same, working conditions became worse, but they didn't have trouble finding work and live outside of work got a little better.
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    Standards of Living

    The living standard improved dramatically for the upper and middle classes. At this time it was also a lot easier to move up in society. Along with this, electricity started to make its way into everyone's homes and newer and nicer products were being produced at cheaper prices to improve where they live. However, large companies barley paid the lower class enough to just scratch by. They suffered from horrible working conditions and health conditions.
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    Working Conditions

    At this time in the were very few regulations put on businesses. Most companies made workers work twelve-hour days with no breaks and paid them almost nothing. As well, disease spread quickly in these messy conditions and workers developed many health issues. Also, these companies employ kids and paid them even less than the adults that were making almost nothing. After the revolution, many rules and regulations were placed on businesses to help improve working conditions.
  • Spinning Genny

    Spinning Genny
    James Hargreaves invented the Spinning Genny. This matching uses multiple spindles to revolutionary advance weaving. This machine allowed for the textile industry to start moving into factories and produce cotton goods at an exponential rate.
  • Water Frame

    Water Frame
    R. Arkwright is the inventor of the Water Frame. This invention is powered by flowing water and it produces cotton yarn for threading. This is an improved version of James Hargreaves's spinning jenny.
  • Power Loom

    Power Loom
    The Power Loom was invented by Edmond Cartwright. This mechanized Loom advanced the process of weaving. The Loom has allowed for even faster production of all woven materials.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    The Cotton Gin was invented by Eli Whitney. This Machine allowed for cotton fiber to be fast and easily separated from their seeds. This meant the cotton process could be greatly advanced because the Cotton Gin fixed the slowest part of the production.
  • Interchangeable Parts

    Interchangeable Parts
    Eli Whitney also created the first interchangeable parts. These parts are designed and created with certain aspects so that they are all identical to each other. This allowed for parts to be freely replaced without having to get custom fitting or buying a whole new product.
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    Over Population

    At the start of the industrial revolution there was a huge demand for people, so people started to have many more kids. As the revolution went on there became less and less of a demand for workers, but people continued to have many kids. This lead to overpopulated cities and worsening conditions in parts of the city which became ghettos.
  • Sewing Machine

    Sewing Machine
    Englishmen Thomas Stone and James Henderson worked together to create the first Sewing Machine. This machine sews fabric and material together with thread, which eliminated almost all hand sewing.
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    With the invention of the steam engine, this allowed transportation to advance rapidly across Europe and America. You could now transport large quantities of materials across the country in a fraction of time and cost. This allowed for expansion to increase and new towns and markets to form.
  • Electrical Telegraph

    Electrical Telegraph
    Samuel Marse invented the Electric Telegraph. The telegraph has allowed for long-distance communication, the device transmits electrical signals. Morse code was used to translate signals into words and phrases.
  • Bessemer Process

    Bessemer Process
    Henry Bessemer created the first process of mass-producing steel. He would heat pig iron until it was mutant and made steel. This allowed for lower steel prices and which allowed for more railroads to be produced.
  • Assembly Line

    Assembly Line
    Henry Ford created the first assembly line. An assembly line allowed people to specialize and complete a certain task in the process of making a product. This line allowed for products to be produced at a much faster rate with greater quality.