Period: to
Industrial Revolution
Spinning Jenny
Invnented by James Hargreaves. He named his found invention after his daughter. At first he kept this machine a secret and only produced for his personal company. He later improved machine expanding its limit of 8 threads to 120 threads. -
Period: to
Revolutionary War
Treaty of Paris
The final draft of the Treaty of Paris was signed, this ending the revolutionary war. -
Cotton Gin
The Cotton Gin is an example of how some inventions can have both negative and positive impacts. Invented by Eli Whitney, the Cotton gin credited very little to Eli, many had fabricated their own versions of the Cotton gin after discovering Eli's. In the day of today we are thankful to being able to have many clothes made to shelter our bodies, but at the time of the Cotton gin's creation, slavery in the West was increasing rapidly. -
Wheel Cipher
Thomas Jefferson Invented the wheel cipher; a device used to prevent anyone without a Wheel Cipher to read the coded messages. -
Robert Fulton created a new and improved veraion of the steamboat. -
James Monroe won Presidency
Missouri Compromise
Wanting to maintain the even amount of free states and slave states, a compromise was made by Henry Clay that made Missouri a slave state and Maine a free state. After becoming states, the 36° 30° line was created. The 36° 30° prevented any new states above the line to contain slavery. -
Nat Turner's first Sign
On Febuary 1831, there was an eclipes this was Nat Turner's first sign that he was the one to get rid of slavery. -
Nat Turner's Second Sign
On August 13, 1831, Nat witnessed a solar eclipes. He interpreted this as a black man's hand reaching over the sign, thus proving to be evidence to his rebellion. -
Nat Turner Rebellion
Nat Turner's Rebellion is one of the most gruesome rebellions in History. It striked fear into many plantation owners, the rebellion would successfully kill 55 people. It all began in the plantation that Nat Turner was being kept at, he was receiving signs that he would be the one to abolish slavery. On August 22, 1831, he along with 70 slaves rebelled, they were a striving force of murder. After 48 hours, the Militia had killed many slaves and executed Nat Turner after finding him in the woods.