Industrial Revolution

  • Watt Steam engine

    Watt Steam engine
    The Watt Steam engine is a Steam enginge invented by James Watt. This invention was an upgraded version of previous steam engines, that was more efficient and cost affective. This version also worked with rotary machines that were used in factories, such as the cotton gin.
  • Germ Theory

    Germ Theory
    Germ theory was invented / pushed by Marcus von Plenciz. This theory was about small microorganisms and blood borne pathogens. This theory led to the discovery of how to treate many diseases and fight off bacterias, viruses, and more.
  • Water Frame

    Water Frame
    The Water frame was invented by Richard Arkwright. This invention had been used since ancient egyptian times but Richard had worked on a more efficient model of it and made cotton and yarn spinning much easier and efficient.
  • Steam Automobile

    Steam Automobile
    The Steam automobile was invented by Nicolas Cugnot. This French inventor created a vehicle that ran off a Steam engine and allowed a slow travel of walking speed to haul larger artillery such as ammunition.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    The Cotton Gin was an invention that greatly increased the speed of removing seeds from cotton fibers. While it removed seeds from cotton at an increased rate it also made cotton a leading export in America. After the use of the Cotton Gin, plantation owners started to use them for even more production with their slaves, as it made them money faster and easier.
  • Steel process

    Steel process
    The Steel process was invented by Henry Bessemer. This invention allowed Steel to be manufactured inexpensively and in great numbers. This invention led to massive skyscrapers, buildings, vehicles, and more to be created with a lower cost and more effiecently, and also reduced the cost of steel.
  • Telegraph

    The Telegraph was invented by Samuel Morse. Samuel along with other inventors worked on the Telegraph which was a way for people to send codes electronically covering long distances, typically used in the military. Fun fact: Samuel Morse was informed that his wife was ill by horse back, but by the time he arrived to her side, she was not only dead, but already buried. Morse was so upset by this he created Morse code to send these types of messages over long distances faster.
  • Light bulb

    Light bulb
    The Light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison. This invention allowed people to light up their homes or work places without needing a candle or sunlight. This invention also allowed people to work longer hours, increased work productivity and more.
  • Phonograph

    The Phonograph was invented by Emile Berliner. This inventioned allowed people to play recorded music that was on a record disc. This invention allowed people to record and play different audios, not just limited to music.
  • Airplane

    The Airplane was invented by the Wright Brothers. This invention allowed short distance travel by an air vehicle. The Airplane was the first of its kind and was sought to be mipossible for the next few million years. This inventioned also led to the manufacturing of common day airplanes and jets that are now used in many ways to travel across the world and carry extemeley large cargo long distances. (Please note that the image is a war airplane, not a normal one. Thank you.)