Industrial Revolution

  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    The Steam Engine was developed over 100 years by three main scientist. The first crude steam powered one was built by Thomas Savery to help pump water out of mines.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    Eli Whitney invented the Cotton Gin
  • Clock Invention

    Clock Invention
    Eli Terry invented the clock and signed a contract to make 4,000 wooden ones.
  • Americas First Care

    Americas First Care
    Thomas Blanchard created Americas first care during the time period of 1825. THis was after the invention of an assembly line which he pinoneered and that of interchangable parts.
  • Power Loom

    Power Loom
    Erastus Bigelow created the power loom so that complecated and knotted counterplans could be woven.
  • Elevator Brake

    Elevator Brake
    During the year 1852 Elisha Graves Otis patened some elvator brakes and railroad spikes.
  • Water Wheel

    Water Wheel
    In the late 1870 Lester pleton created the first water wheel during a time when mostly other resources were relied heavly on.
  • Radio

    Guglielmo Marconi was a groundbreaking physicents and scientist responsible for making the radio possible.
  • Telephone

    During 1876 Alexander Graham Bell patened the first telephone or telegraphy. it's said his first words were 'WAZZZ UP!'
  • Sound recording instruments

    Sound recording instruments
    With Alexander Graham Bell Charles Tainter patened the first sound recording instrument.