Independent Reading Timeline

  • Why Can't I keep my house in order?

    This book is about having a clean environment and place to do schoolwork or chores or work in general. The book is good to prepare for the future. I have read some pages and realized that I could learn a lot from this book. Why Can’t I keep my house in Order. By the way I got this from the book. Tidy.
  • Finish Discarding First

    This section is about discarding thing before putting it away.
    I have just started chapter 2 but the book is not long so I might finish in time.
    I am done more than half of the chapter now but the author always had setbacks and she overcame them.
  • The magic of tidying dramatically transforms your life

    When you arrange your house it helps you to discover your likes and dislikes. It might be hard but letting go of things taking up space is a good way of keeping your space tidy. In this chapter I learned that tidying is a way to bring new life to your surroundings. Transforms.
  • Tidying by category works like magic

    This section is about tidying everything slowly by category. When we organize what we are arranging it makes tidying much easier. The pages I have read so far are about how tidying can make you feel happy when you have decluttered everything and gotten rid of things you do not need anymore. Category.
  • Storing your things that make your life shine

    Decide where to put your belongings. Assign a specific place for everyone in your family to put their things. I have learned from this chapter that it is easy arrange your house but hard to throw things away.