In my lifetime

  • The US shuttle joins the Russian space station

    This event is significant because it shows the start of change in my lifetime. A merge between the US and Russian space programs meant peace was on the rise. A progression in foreign policy like this changed the way Americans think, all aspects of the Cold War were finally over. There was nothing more to be greatly afraid of.
  • The 9-11 Attacks.

    While this event affected me in a much more indirect manner, it has remained one of the most major events in US history. The September 11th bombings on the Twin Towers saw a culture shift in the entire nation. Because of this event 15 years ago, the security in our country has multiplied by outrageous amount. Getting onto a plane is for me is difficult, but for a Pakistani friend of mine, it is nearly impossible. Because of the attack, America's foreign and domestic policies have transformed.
  • Facebook Founded

    The launch of Facebook was not huge, but its impact on today's culture is creepily large. Facebook has changed the way you know people, the way you get your news, the way you spend your time, and how you figure out how your'e going to spend your time. For instance, if I meet someone that I am interested and only have a first name, I can find her. With a couple minutes of research I can find pictures, things this person likes, and in general a creepy amount of information about a stranger.
  • Hurricane Katrina

    No event could possibly be more impactful than Katrina, because New Orleans WAS my home. I was taken away from all my friends, all my favorite places, and my snowballs. Katrina can be directly blamed for my home now in Austin which I am thankful for. But this event did not affect me like it did others. Because of this category 5, thousands died, thousands more were misplaced, and millions grieved. George W. Bush made the greatest contribution, by circling overhead in a helicopter then leaving...
  • Creation of the first iPhone

    The creation of the very first iPhone is hugely important in our culture. As one of the first smart phones to hit the market, it was a revolutionizing piece of technology. Phones now take up a MASSIVE amount of our day and have transformed how we do normal activities. In a phone now you have a notepad, calculator, internet browser, and practically anything else you could think of because of a whole new market, called the app store. This has made new jobs and changed everything about society.
  • Election of Barack Obama

    The first black president of the United States, this is a remarkable landmark in history, and not that just of the US. As one of the largest nations in the World, the US has a large impact on the rest of the Earth. More importantly then his election, was the acts that he has passed. Multiple legislation's such as Obamacare as it has become known, have helped millions. He has lowered the unemployment rate, and overall proved to be a great leader of a great nation.
  • Release of League of Legends

    Yes this is a video game, does that mean it can be less impactful than another such event? While the release of the game was not a huge success, what it has become is astounding. Now, over 27 million people a day log on to play a Free To Play game. This game has revolutionized gaming and culture for many like myself. While free to play, this game makes millions by micro-transactions and the eSports scene. It has also had a large influence in areas like art, fashion, and communication.
  • Haiti Earthquake

    The earthquake in Haiti affected the whole world. Hundreds of thousands died in this under developed country, resulting in a mass of relief from all over. The United Nations generated a large sum of relief, in addition to the United States. But what was really amazing is the amount conjured up by the internet. This was one of the first world disasters where social media had grown significantly, and tens of millions were raised by the general public. This shows that, we humans still have empathy.
  • End of Iraq War

    The end of this 8 year long war started by former president George W. Bush was a relief for many. Finally our troops got to come home, had it not been for Obama this war could quite possibly be still going on. Operation Iraqi Freedom was over, saving our government millions in tax dollars that could be pumped into the economy. The war was successful in eliminating al-Qaeda leaders, and helping the Iraqi government to establish a more democratic society, but still holding onto Islamic principles.
  • Donald Trump Becomes a Presidential Candidate

    While at first this seemed to just be a joke, it has become increasingly more serious and scary. The president of the United States is a position not just on top of the country, but the world as it is a major world leader. American Republicans somehow think it's a good idea to elect someone to this position who has zero political experience, besides maybe paying officials and getting bailed out by the government FOUR TIMES for the same company.