Important Memories

  • My other half

    My other half
    I still remember the day my sister was taken away from our home. I felt so alone. She was my best friend, my partner in crime, my other half. I never let anyone get close to me. I became a person I didn't want to be. My sister being away was something I didn't ever want to happen ever again. She's been through so much, but she's a strong young one for going through was she did.
  • Falling in love

    The first time I fell in love was an unbelievable feeling. He made feel like a queen. He was a real gentlemen. Due to my last relationships, I felt lucky.
  • Him

    The first time I met the father to my kids was at church. He taught me about GOD. The church he went to was a Christian church. I learned about God and the bible.
  • My Best Friend

    My Best Friend
    Meeting my best friend was a big change for me. I never had another person so close to me besides my sister. I learned to trust more often. To give other people a chance. She was the first real friend I ever had. She taught me how to be a friend.
  • Hillsong Concert

    Hillsong Concert
    My first concert was unbelievable. Angel, the father to my kids, took me to see Hillsong United. Actually being there was amazing. Hearing people sing along, actually listening to the lyrics, the music.
  • Niece

    Watching my niece being born was one life-changing moment. My niece was born 4 months before my daughter was born. So I had at least 4 months of practice, even though I wasn't very good at it. My niece being born taught me to love everyone, even though everyone had their problems. My sister-in-law & I weren't close at all for many dumb reasons that I couldn't or wouldn't understand.
  • My Blessing

    My Blessing
    My first pregnancy is important to me because it was going to be a live-changing moment, not even a moment, it was going to change my entire life. Raising an innocent little human being from the time she was born until the day I die. Being pregnant made me have a different view of life because I couldn't just think of myself anymore, I had to think about my unborn baby then myself. Everything I did, I had to think about how it would effect my baby.
  • First Job

    The first job I had was at a temp agency at a warehouse working with coffee. My first job is important because it taught me to have more responsibility for myself.
  • First Hospital Trip

    The first time I took my daughter to the hospital for her leg injury, something changed inside of me. I learned how to be a good mother. To take everything seriously. I had to take more responsibility. Learn how to take care of her more better. I learned everything that I had to know to take care of her better.
  • First Apartment

    Getting my first apartment was an incredible feeling. I had more responsibility for myself, a lot more. Before I was living with my mother that would do mostly everything for me. So when I moved out, I had to learn to do everything myself. Clean my own dishes, do laundry & a lot of other chores. I mean I did chores when I was at my mother's but not all the time.