Important Dates in Western Religions

By Priad
  • 1800 BCE

    Abraham is born

    Abraham, the supposed father of Judaism, and a prominent figure in both Christianity and Islam, is born in Ur.
  • 1740 BCE

    Jacob is Born

    Jacob, another figure present in Judaic, Christian, and Islamic tradition, is born to Issac and Rebekah
  • 6 BCE

    Jesus is Born

    Jesus, the prophet of Christianity, is born.
  • 24

    Jesus Begins Preaching

    Jesus begins teaching the tenets of Christianity.
  • 29

    Jesus Dies and is Resurrected

    Jesus is crucified at Nazareth, dies, and is said to have risen from the dead three days later.
  • 570

    Muhammad is Born

    Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, is born in Mecca.
  • Oct 30, 629

    Muhammad Captures Mecca

    Muhammad returns to Mecca leading an army of the faithful.
  • Oct 30, 632

    Muhammad Dies

    Muhammad falls sick and dies.