Imperialism in Africa

By Rishals
  • South Africa Independence

    South Africa got Independence from Great Britain even though there was a smaller a group of white people. They controlled government and the businesses they have.
  • Italy Invasion

    When Europe toke over almost all of Africa. The only uncolonized country was Ethiopia but they got invaded by Italy.
  • Afrikaners Law

    The Afrikaners/white Africans mad a law called the apartheid law. The apartheid law is a law that makes a policy so they are separated by race.
  • Sudan Independence

    After a little while Sudan got there independence from Great Britain.
  • Sudan Independence

    Sudan got there independence a little while from Great Britain.
  • Sudan Independence

    Sudan got their independence from Great Britain years ago.
  • Ghana Independence

    Someone named Kwame Nkrumah had the idea of Pan-Africanist which turned into a belief for the unity for every Black Africans worldwide. Which had made it so Ghana gained independence for themselves.
  • Nigeria Independence

    After a little fight against the British, Nigeria finally became Independent.
  • Belgium Congo

    After a little while Belgium Congo also had Independence for themselves too.
  • Rwanda Independence

    Rwanda got their independence after a violence happened and when Hutu toke control over them.
  • Kenya Independence

    When Kwame Nkrumah came up with the idea it toke a lot of years for them to become independent but they did 6 years later.
  • Mandela

    There was a dude they was arrested and sentenced for life in prison for what his actions where. Mandela wouldn’t be quite and kept continuing to protest form the prison.
  • Person in power

    When Belgium Congo got the government the person who was in the first in power was a person names Joseph Mobutu.
  • Igbo People and There Wanted Country

    After Nigeria suffered a lot of violence among lots of the ethnic groups. The Igbo people tried to declare themselves as independent. But they came up with war and many people died before they could agree they were part of own country so they had to be part of Nigeria’s place.
  • The New president

    There was a new president and he realized that the apartheid had to end and could not continue or it could go bad even more. So he ended it when he was elected president. He also made it so Mandela got out of prison.
  • The Nobel Prize

    Mandela and the new president/de Klerk got the Nobel Peace Prize for ending the apartheid.
  • The Brand New President!

    After a year later the new election started and Nelson Mandela was elected the new president for there.