Imperialism in Africa

  • 1400

    European people start to sail around Africa continent

    in the 1400s European people stated to sail around Africa continent
  • 1500


    to sell Africans guns and European made goods in exchange for slaves
  • 1500

    building trading post

    in the 1500s they were making trading post
  • colonizing

    in the 1800s they were colonizing or taking over other country for the resources
  • getting land

    Europe had grabbed nearly all of Africa
  • africans rebel

    World War II Africans began to seriously rebel against colonization.
  • granted independence

    In 1910 South Africa was granted independence from Great Britain.
  • Britain taking over Egypt to gain Suez Canal

    they Britain government is trying to take over the Suez Canal and a man made waterway
  • fight for freedom

    fight for freedom from Great Britain.
  • Ethiopia and Italy

    Ethiopia and Italy where the only country to remain uncolonized
  • Pan-Africanism

    Kwame Nkrumah introduced the idea of Pan-Africanism
  • apartheid law

    In 1948, white South Africans known as Afrikaners made apartheid law.
  • Sudan

    Sudan gets it independents from Great Britain
  • violence

    violence break out and Hutu took control
  • independence

    Ghana would gain its independence in 1957
  • Nigeria independent

    Nigeria became independent after a fierce struggle
  • Belgium Congo

    Belgium Congo came independent
  • Wins

    took years but Kenya became independent
  • Mandela was arrested

    Mandela was arrested and sentenced to life in prison for his actions.
  • Mobutu seized power.

    in 1965 Joseph Mobutu seized power
  • declare themselves

    in 1967 declare themselves independent
  • Nigeria suffered from violence

    Nigeria suffered from violence among its many ethnic groups
  • people died.

    1972 and from 1983 to 2005. Millions of people died.
  • de Klerk

    de Klerk realized that apartheid could not continue.
  • released Nelson Mandela from prison.

    nd of apratheid and released Nelson Mandela from prison.
  • first open elections

    Nelson Mandela was elected the new president.
  • South Sudan

    South Sudan gets it rights
  • Hosni Mubarak

    Hosni Mubarak gets kicked out of president
  • Mohammed Morsi

    Mohammed Morsi is president in 2012
  • thrown buy military

    thrown buy military and cops