Golden Ages of Exploration
The Europeans began sailing south around Africa attempting to find spices and silks found in India and China. The Europeans found out about Africas great wealth, the Europeans then began trading with Africans south of the Sahara. -
Slave Trades
European traders began selling the Africans weapons and European made goods for slaves. -
Trading Posts
The Europeans began building trading posts in Africa -
Europeans Rise
The Europeans began colonizing and taking over countries for their resources.. -
Europeans Reign
by the 1900's Europe had nearly owned all of Africa. -
South African Independence
in the year 1910 the South African's were freed from Britain -
The Kikuyu People's Rise
The Kikuyu people began to form a political organization in the 1920s to fight Great Britains power and retake their land. -
Italians Invade
in the year 1930 the Italians invaded Ethiopia, failing and Ethiopia remaining independent. -
The Rebellion
In the mid 1900s the Africans began to rebel against colonization. -
In the 1940s Kwame Nkrumah displayed the idea of Pan-Africanism which said that all African people, African American, African European etc. are all Africans so they should be united worldwide. -
Ghana's Independence
Ghana regained their independence in the year 1957. -
Afrikaners made an apartheid law -
Sudan's Independence
Sudan gained its independence from Gr. Br. in 1956 -
First Sudanese Civil War
The first civil war took place in 1956, the southern side of Sudan did not like the northern rule so they rebelled and eventually this ended up being a civil war lasting many years. -
Nigeria's Independence
After a lot of years of war and protests Nigeria has became independent -
Belgian Congo's Independence
The Belgian Congo becomes independent -
Rwandas Independence
Independence came to Rwanda -
Kenya's Independence
after years of consistent warfare Kenya finally regained their independence. -
Nelson Mandela's Protests
in 1964 Nelson Mandela protested the apartheid law, as a result he was arrested and sentenced to life in prison. -
First Sudanese Civil War Ends
the first civil war ended. -
Igbo People's Independence
The Igbo people (after many years of violence) attempted to declare themselves independent -
Release Order
de Klerk ordered the release of Nelson Mandela -
Second Sudanese Civil War Starts
The second civil war between the south and north side of Sudan begins. -
F.W. de Klerk's Reign
F.W. de Klerk was elected president of South Africa -
de Klerk Comes to His Senses
de Klerk announced the end of the apartheid -
Nobel Peace Prize
Mandela and de Klerk were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for ending the apartheid law -
First Open Election
In 1994 the first open election was held electing Nelson Mandela the president of South Africa -
Violent Outbreak in Rwanda
After Rwandas declared independence in 1962, violence broke out. The Hutu people took control of Rwanda. Violence consisted until 1994. -
Mass Genocide
The Hutu people began a mass genocide of the Tutsi people. The mass Genocide lead to the death of between 800,000 and 1,000,000 people. -
Second Sudanese Civl War Ends
The second Sudanese civil war ends. -
Tunisian Government Issues
The Tunisian people began agitating for a more democratic government. -
Qaddafi's Death
Qaddafi was captured and eventually killed -
South Sudans Independence
South Sudan was recognized as an independent place, completely separate from Sudan. -
Ben Ali Resigns
President Ben Ali resigned, a democratic government was elected because of it. -
Mubarak Lost his Power
Mubarak came to power and led for 30 years, but then was forced to resign. -
Mubarak's Replacement
Mohammed Morsi came to power in 2012 -
Short Term
Morsi term was short as the military over threw the government